Apartment prices fell 0.3 per cent in a year to a median price of $749,765
House prices slumped by 5.9 per cent annually to a median level of $1.020m
Apartment prices rose 4.4 per cent in year to May 31 to median of $573,673
House prices increased by 1.5 per cent annually to a median of $821,006
Apartment prices slipped by 0.3 per cent over the year to median of $385,121
House prices up by 1.2 per cent in 12 months to May to median of $536,286
Apartment prices down by 0.5 per cent in the year to a median of $328,878
House prices rose by 0.8 per cent to annually to a median value of $464,459
Apartment prices plunged by 3.2 per cent over year to median of $394,898
House prices slumped by 1.5 per cent in same period to median of $487,762
Apartment values surged by 8.3 per cent to a median price of $353,917
House prices soared by staggering 13.6 per cent to a median of $452,289
Unit prices plunged by awful 11.3 per cent in a year to a median of $328,234
House prices dived by 6.3 per cent annually to a median level of $500,946
Apartment prices slipped by 0.4 per cent in the year to a median of $435,846
House prices rose by 3.1 per cent on annual basis to a median of $678,322
Source: Core Logic Home Value Index released on June 1, 2018