A road rage incident ended in a wild fist fight in the intersection of a bustling New York City street, with a female companion screaming profanities at onlookers- all caught by DailyMail.com cameras.
The incident began shortly after 6pm in the East Village and ended with police questioning the motorist in the black shirt who said it all started when the unidentified man in orange started banging on the window of his Suburban.
The two men throw several punches at each other, eventually pulling each other down to the street with a loud smack right in front of what is known as the Astor Place Cube at the corner of 8 St and 4 ave.

Concerned citizens looked on in dismay and gasped as the men grappled on the ground. A woman’s voice is heard off camera yelling at the men fighting, but the female companion to the gentleman in orange seems ready to fight herself.
The woman begins screaming at a concerned citizen ‘Mind your business, are you the one fighting right now? Mind your business!’
The woman appears hell bent on keeping the fist fight alive, cursing at people recording the scene and screaming at anyone who tried to interfere.
At one point the animated woman is calling one onlooker a ‘cracker’ and ‘trashy b****’ and tells the woman to ‘go back to her cracker-land.’
The woman eyes another person recording the epic scene unfolding, and calls that person a ‘gay a** mother f*****’.
Eventually, after screaming at everyone who has stuck around to see what is happening, the woman realizes her male friend in orange has been pinned for some time and finally intervenes herself.
She rips off the man whose black shirt comes off during her grabbing him, to reveal his grey t-shirt underneath.

The two get back in their car which had pulled over onto 4 ave during the altercation.
Right before the two hop in the car the woman can be heard yelling something about video- perhaps realizing cameras were rolling on the entire scene.
It appeared the man in the black shirt stuck around to speak to police. It is unclear if the couple who headed to their car after the fight stuck around.