- President Trump wore a new white campaign hat with ‘USA’ on it to tour Hurricane Harvey damage in Texas
- The baseball cap is sold by his official campaign website for $40.00
- Walmart is selling an almost identical cap for a quarter of the price
- It’s not the first time Walmart has knocked off Trump’s campaign gear at a discount, they also sell ‘Make America Great Again’ hats for about $15.00 less
Walmart has cornered the market on cheap knockoff baseball hats that look like the caps President Donald Trump sports, and now they’re doing it with a hat he wore during his assessment of the damage in Texas from Hurricane Harvey.
It started when Walmart copied Trump’s famous red ‘Make America Great Again’ headgear. But as the President’s style evolves and grows, so does his patriotic campaign hat collection.
The big box store just released a line of ‘USA’ hats with 45 on the sides, indicating the 45th president of the United States. They look almost identical to the ones Trump wore in Texas, 45 and all, only they’re offered for $9.99.
President Donald Trump sported the new white ‘USA’ campaign cap during his visit to the Lone Star State while touring the destruction of Hurricane Harvey

Trump’s official campaign hat (left) and the Walmart knock-off (right) sold for a quarter of the price but look almost identical
Trump’s campaign sells the official ‘USA’ caps on their site for $40.00.
The president was also called out for hawking campaign gear during his visit to the Lone Star State by the watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, or CREW.
Jordan Libowitz of CREW pointed out to CNN that wearing the hat ‘Even removed from the hurricane, is pretty inappropriate.’
Libowitz argues Trump is using his various appearances as free advertising for his campaign swag.
Walmart still sells the Make America Great Again headgear, and again at a discount.

The ‘official’ USA hat sold by President Trump’s campaign tagged at $40.00

An almost identical looking hat to the ‘official’ campaign hat is sold at Walmart for just $9.99
On Trump’s campaign website the official campaign slogan cap goes for $25.00 and Walmart undercuts their version at just $9.99.
If you are buying Trump gear, but don’t want to contribute to his campaign, Walmart is likely your best bet.