A toy-mad father has spent over £140,000 travelling the world to amass the world’s largest collection – of model buses.
Proud Geoff Price, 67, first started his hoard 60 years ago and now has over 14,000 models filling his house, garage and garden shed.
The dedicated father-of-two has scoured the globe to fine some of the rarest and oldest buses and his collection is now thought to be worth around £700,000.
Geoff Price, pictured, has spent the past 60 years collecting toy buses and has the world’s largest collection

Mr Price has spent an estimated £140,000 acquiring his collection of 140,000 buses which are now worth £700,000

The Guinness Book of Records has acknowledged Mr Price’s collection of buses from around the world as a record breaker
The world record hoard takes up three rooms and the loft of his home in Walsall, West Midlands and he even had to build an extension just to make space.
It features Dinky and Corgi toys, with models dating from 1903 to modern day version of the Arriva and National Express variations.
The retired transport show organiser now sits proudly in the Guinness Book of World Records, having amassed a total of 14,278 toy buses.
His most cherished possession is a 1903 Rico tin-plated tram made in Spain and a Midland Red tin-plated bus made in Birmingham.
Mr Price and wife Linda, 62, have travelled to the likes of Japan, Sri-Lanka, Thailand, Tunisia and Turkey to track down models since he started collecting in 1958.
He first took an interest in buses when, as a young boy, he and his friends tracked bus numbers and his parents gave him his first model at the age of eight.
He said: ‘As a young lad I lived in a village, so you had to come up with your own enjoyment.

Mr Price has converted three rooms in his house and even built an extension to accommodate his amazing collection

Some of his models feature Mr Price inside one of his models in a case of art imitating life

To find enough space for the massive collection, Mr Price was forced to convert his attic, pictured, which is full of toys
‘You either spotted trains or you tracked bus numbers. You had to make your own fun.
‘For me it became collecting model buses. My parents bought me my first one and I just continued having buses ever since.
‘People do think it is unusual until they see the collection.
‘When they see it they can’t believe it. It is like the history of toys from all over the world.
‘Some are made of wood because that is all they had. There are different buses wherever you go in the world, and that’s what makes it so interesting.
‘I have 14,278 at the moment. You are probably talking a few hundred thousand pounds worth of models.
‘We just go to different countries and see what we can find. The next trip we are planning is Hong Kong.
‘We’ve been to Sri Lanka 14 years on the trot, and so far we’ve collected over 800 buses from there.

Mr Price has collected more than 800 buses on one of his 14 trips to Sri Lanka and is now planning a trip to Hong Kong

Mr Price and his wife have travelled the world together where they have built up the collection of more than 14,000 buses
‘We’ve had many travels and trips abroad, and met collectors abroad. A lot of them have got their own stories.
‘Its lovely, because we get a holiday while getting a chance to meet with fellow collectors from across the globe.
‘Guinness World Records don’t list many collections at all, so its a special achievement – a lifetime achievement.
‘We had to have an extension built to make room for them but I think I’ll pack it in when I can’t get up the loft anymore.’
Despite being obsessed with buses since he was a child, Mr Price says he isn’t a big fan of the real thing and rarely catches public transport.
He said: ‘I’d never get on one out of choice, which I know is ironic. But you can’t really rely on them so I tend to drive everywhere.’

Mr Price, pictured, said despite his massive collection, he is not a big fan of public transport and rarely uses buses

Mrs Price said she has got used to the buses after 45 years of marriage and admits the hobby has brought them some excellent holidays where they have met ‘lots of wonderful collectors’
Mrs Price, a council worker, said: ‘If I am not on board now after nearly 45 years of marriage I never will be.
‘It was a bit strange in the beginning, I had heard of people collecting trains, my own father used to have a train set but buses was a new thing altogether.
‘When he used to live at home he had them on planks of wood and I said “You are not having that when we move in together”.
‘I have got used to it. He certainly can’t afford to divorce me now.
‘We have had lots of wonderful holidays abroad and met lots of wonderful collectors.
‘The only thing is I never want to move house again. They all have to be wrapped up and they can’t touch each other in case they get damaged.’