Ministers are to be held to tough new Treasury targets as part of Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s £150billion spending boost – and sacked if they fail to deliver
Ministers are to be held to tough new Treasury targets as part of Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s £150billion spending boost – and sacked if they continually fail to deliver.
Those who escape the axe will still be required to own up publicly to any shortcomings in their department’s annual report and accounts.
Last Wednesday’s Budget increased spending by Government departments by an average of £150billion a year between now and 2024-2025.
Under scrutiny: The Chancellor’s Spending Review, published alongside the Budget, makes it clear that spending and performance are being tied ‘even more closely together’
The Chancellor’s Spending Review, published alongside the Budget, makes it clear that spending and performance are being tied ‘even more closely together’.
The Treasury said: ‘The Prime Minister will hold departments to account on delivery of his core missions and the Chief Secretary to the Treasury [Simon Clarke] will hold departments to account on outcomes.’