What Are Backlinks in SEO and Example of Backlink Strategies

There are around 63,000 search queries on Google every second. If you’re not putting effort into reaching these online searchers, you need to be.

There are many ways to improve your website’s search engine optimization (SEO), but one of the most impactful is to get new backlinks directed towards it. However, first, you’ll need to understand what backlinks are and how you can start getting them.

In this guide, we’ll tell you what backlinks in SEO and example strategies you should use.

What Are Backlinks?

A backlink is a link to one of your website’s pages from another site on the web.

When more backlinks are pointing to your website, it serves as a positive signal to Google and other search engines. Your site will appear more authoritative and valuable and you’ll get more search traffic as a result.

When getting backlinks, remember that quality matters more than quality. You should aim to get a majority of backlinks from authoritative sites in your industry.

How to Get More Backlinks

So how do you get backlinks to your site? Here are examples of a few backlink strategies that you can make use of:

Guest Blogging

With a guest blogging strategy, you’ll reach out to other websites in your industry and offer to write a blog post for them. Writing content for their sites can be a great way to get your brand name out there and build relationships.

On top of this, many of these sites will allow you to add links back to your own site within the content you write. As a result, you’ll get new backlinks to your site from authoritative and relevant online sources.

Be sure to visit The HOTH to learn more about this backlink strategy.

Writing Shareable Content

If you create a great online resource or blog post, likely, other website owners will naturally want to link to it. An in-depth blog post or an interesting infographic, for example, might collect a lot of backlinks.

By creating great content, other websites in your industry will likely start linking to your website more often.

Look for Broken Links

If you find a broken link on another website that is linking to a resource that is similar to yours, consider reaching out. You can write the website owner directly and tell them that their link is broken and that a blog post or piece of content you have serves the same purpose.

As a result, they may replace the broken link with a link to your content instead.

Check for Unlinked Mentions

Similar to the last point, you may also want to get in touch with a website owner if your brand has been mentioned without an accompanying backlink.

Consider requesting that the site that mentioned your business link to your site as well. Many of them will be happy to do so since they’re already talking about your business or brand in the first place.

Understand What Is Backlinks in SEO and Example of Backlink Strategies

By now you should understand what backlinks in SEO and example strategies you should use.

SEO backlinks are very important for your website and can make a big difference in the amount of web traffic that you get. Consider using guest blogging or a broken link strategy to get more backlinks for your site.

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