What are Portable Vaporizers, and What Makes Them Different?

Vapes are not a new invention, and they have been available in the market for years, although their resurgence can be attributed to the younger generation looking for an alternative to traditional smoking.

And because of the heightened need to provide variety, manufacturers created mods and variation to the standard vape used before. Nowadays, starting a vaping habit can be confusing. There are several device choices, including portable vaporizer and vape pens. This further divided into several capacities and modifications.

What is a portable vaporizer?

Portable vaporizers encompass several varieties of vape, including but not limited to vape pens and the likes. To make things a little more precise, we can get a clue from the term which denotes its handheld.

Portable vapes are compact, although they often do not have the same size as vape pens. These devices can also come in different shapes, such as those with rectangular built or a wooden box-type. There are also portable devices disguised as travel mugs or even an asthma inhaler.

The myriad of available styles indicates the market’s consciousness to provide the best vaping devices to vape enthusiasts. It’s easy to find the equipment suited to your personality and your level of vaping expertise.

What makes a portable vaporizer different from vape pens?

Vape pens, as the name suggests, are pen-shaped. Though these devices are primarily used for vaping, they have several distinct characteristics. Vape pens, to start with, are handy and can be slipped into the pocket similar to an e-cigarette.

The main difference between the portable vaporizer and the vape pen lies in its design.  Vape pens are discrete and can be pocketed, while portable vaporizers are much more sizeable. And because of their size, portable vaporizers offer better reliability in terms of usability and performance.

The features and heating system of a portable vaporizer

Portable vaporizers are generally composed of an advanced heating system compared to vape pens. With a conduction heating system, vape pens deliver a smoky-tasting flavor and produce less smooth clouds.

Portable vape devices offer better performance either by combining a convection and conduction heating system. A convection system delivers better quality clouds made from the pure vapor. And because the device emits pure clouds through combustion, vaping is smoother, and cloud chasing is much more flavorful.

Vaping enthusiasts also have an option to blow hot air via the heating chamber of a portable vaporizer. The conduction system of a portable system minimizes the heat involved during the vaporization process, providing you with a better quality cloud.

Portable vaporizers also have better features than a pen vape because there is more room for better capacity. Such features include several value-added benefits like the addition of mobile app controllability, the addition of inserts to produce vapor extensions, and more.

It’s a matter of personal choice

With the variety of vaping devices, the ultimate decision lies with your personal preference. Most vape enthusiasts would like to have a convenient vaping device they can keep in their pockets while others want to enjoy their vaping with the best cloud chasing experience.

In such cases, then the portable vaporizer is the best choice. It offers the performance flexibility you are looking for and a customizable device for smoother and flavorful vaping sessions.