What are Solar panels and the benefits they provide?

Solar panels are electricity panels named photovoltaic modules. The modul is a framework of cells that use sunlight as a source of energy and convert it into current electricity.

A set of PV modul, also known as PV Panel, formed of a photovoltaic system which provides solar electricity to equipment.

These modules are provided in a variety of shapes and sizes. We can fit it on the top of the roof and fit as solar tiles.

Solar energy is a continuous source from which we can generate our own electricity. The electricity generated through the solar panels is direct current (DC) and one which we use for our household appliances is alternating current. So, for converting DC into AC, an inverter is used.

Most of us think that when the sunset or we have a cloudy day, no energy would be generated. This is not true, in fact with cloudy weather, the panel still gets some rays. This is basically its main feature that the energy solar panels collect in the day time, not all of it is used and it stores the energy in batteries as a reserve to use later.


Solar panels are beneficial to balance your energy cost, cut down the environmental impact of your home, and provide a large group of other benefits.

Reduce energy bills:

Solar panel system provides an opportunity for the ones who are looking for reducing their monthly bills and make a long term, low-risk investment. Financial returns and low bills are major plus points for going solar because sunlight is free. The identical savings with solar depends on solar energy system size, the consumption of electricity, number of hours of taking daily sunlight, local rates of electricity in your area, size of the panel, and angle of the roof where the solar panel is located.

Start Saving:

The solar panel offers long-term savings from day one because we all know that it’s free to capture the power of the sun. They also improve our resale value of the home. Most buyers know the worth of what a home with solar panels means because panels are already at the home and they did not have to make an investment for buying it. These are also beneficial for the home, they extend the life of a roof, protecting from rain, snow, and debris, keeping the house temperature lower in summers.

Reduce Carbon Footprint:

The solar panel does not release any harmful carbon dioxide and other pollutants. A solar system used in the home could save 1.3- 1.6 tons of carbon each year, depending on the environment where you at. The main environmental benefit is that installing a solar panels is equal to planting billions of trees.

Advantages of solar energy

Use More Electricity During Day:

As we know that solar panel works on its peak during the daylight, it’s a beneficial idea to reorganize our activities as washing, dishwashing, and ironing. This will be easier if you are home all day.

Help the Environment:

Solar panels provide us with pure and clean energy from the sun. it helps us in conflicting with greenhouse gas emissions and reduce our dependence on fossil fuel. We all know, in our tradition, electricity is generated from fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas. The burning of these fuels emits harmful gases which are bad for the environment. Renewable energy from solar panels improves our health and does not pollute our environment.

Solar energy in Germany

Solar power generation has risen by 13% in Germany in 2020. The proportion of German electricity generated from renewables is five percentage points higher already than it was in the first nine months of last year.

Kaseel – kaseel.com – was founded at the beginning of the 20th century in Hesse, located in the center of Germany. Kessel specializes in the engineering, manufacturing, development, and selling of photovoltaic modules.

German excellence is reflected in the quality and soundness of Kessel’s products. The company has a presence across the world with a solid business model. Kessel is focused on improving the PV industry in the search for a greener world.

Last year, Kaseel distributed 470 MW in 6 continents due to its continuous technological innovations, high-quality products, sales network, and customer service.