What Is the Best Possible Treatment for Varicose Veins?

Swollen, twisted, and enlarged veins typify varicose veins beneath it. It can result in aches, as well as embarrassment. The weakening of vein walls results in blood pooling and stretches the vein causing it to protrude beneath the skin.

Varicose veins are considered a cosmetic issue, but they may result in health complications over time, including poor circulation and ulcers. Because of this, it is critical to consider laser treatment for varicose veins.

Physician-assisted treatment of varicose veins

It is possible to know how serious your varicose veins are by discussing the ultrasound results with your doctor. Together you will find the best treatment options for your specific case. These may include the following:


This is typically a painless saline injection treatment that collapses the vein to be absorbed back into the body. Experts recommend sclerotherapy for small to medium varicose veins. There are several types of sclerotherapy for varicose vein treatment, which include the following:

  • Laser-assisted sclerotherapy is the least invasive and most advanced.
  • Foam sclerotherapy is recommended for more significant or more challenging varicose veins.
  • Ultrasound sclerotherapy is for large and deeper veins that once required surgical intervention.

The benefits of sclerotherapy are that it can eradicate various veins with little pain and downtime. The disadvantage is that the technique may not be effective for more significant and more extensive varicose vein issues. You may also have to return for follow-up treatment so veins will completely disappear.


Phlebectomy is otherwise called vein stripping. It is a surgical procedure during which the surgeon makes tiny cuts near the damaged vein and gets rid of the entire vein. Doctors will sometimes perform a phlebectomy together with other methods such as ablation.

A top advantage of Phlebectomy is that it is permanent because the targeted vein is completely removed. But similar to other surgical procedures, it comes with some risks and will require more recovery time compared to more minor invasive procedures for varicose vein treatment.

Thermal ablation

Thermal ablation is otherwise called radiofrequency ablation. It has been around for about ten years. It involves utilizing laser or radiofrequency energy to heat the inner area of the vein. Because of this, the vein wall is destroyed, and the vein shrinks. Over time the body absorbs the veins.

Thermal ablation tends to work well as a treatment for varicose veins, but it can result in bruising and discomfort for the first week. Because the vein is heated to 200°, it is critical to numb the area surrounding it with an aesthetic that can result in discomfort.

Veins typically become less evident within one to a couple of weeks. The procedure will require some local anesthesia, but a majority of people will have minor pain after the process and can return to their routine work the next day.

Nonthermal ablation

A couple of similar nonthermal techniques were recently approved by the FDA. The first is Varithna which uses a foam that is medicated. It is comparable to thermal ablation, but instead of heat, a potent drug is utilized, which destroys the vein permanently. The second nonthermal ablation procedure for varicose veins is called the Venaseal system. It utilizes glue to seal off the vein.

Simple laser treatment

This laser treatment for varicose veins is conducted on the outside area of the skin. It helps treat spider veins and tiny varicose veins just beneath the surface of the skin. Typically, more than one laser session is required. Schedules will be based on recommendations by the doctor.

Endovenous laser treatment

Endovenous laser treatments help treat larger varicose veins on the legs. A laser fiber is passed through a small catheter into the vein. As they do this, the doctor will be watching the vein on an ultrasound screen. It is typically less painful compared to vein ligation and stripping, and a shorter recovery time is expected. Only local anesthesia and light sedative are required for laser treatment. For litigation and stripping, general anesthesia is often required to put you to sleep.


Varicose veins, although not painful, are unsightly and may cause complications. However, it is a cosmetic issue, a lot of people who suffer from its want to get rid of it to have a better-looking body. If you are considering treatment for your varicose veins, make sure to consult a doctor who has extensive experience doing the procedure you have chosen.

Experts say that all types of doctors, including primary care physicians, cardiologists, and even OBs, are doing vein procedures these days. You should research online for a physician or treatment facility that is accredited in your area.