What is the Best Temperature to Vaporize Weed

Smoking is undoubtedly unhealthy. Whether its tobacco or weed, the effects of smoke on the lung is undeniably bad. Vaping on the other hand eliminates the ill effects of smoking. Unlike smoking, vaping provides better temperature control. When you smoke weed, combustion temperatures can go as high as 2200 C. As a result, harmful by-products are produced and the active compounds in weed are rendered inactive. Other than reducing the harmful effects of smoking on the lungs, vaping is safer, discreet and more cost effective. Nonetheless, the best temperature for vaping weed remains elusive to most users. The fact that individual experiences vary make the search for a solution a personal quest.  Here is a guide to optimize tour vaping experience.

Lightly Toasted

The psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, THC, has a boiling point of 157 C.. Temperatures of 162 C to 176 C are ideal is you want to produce a fresh taste from vaping your weed. The vapour produced is less harsh on the throat and has subtle effects ideal for newcomers and lightweights. Lightly toasted cannabis gives light euphoria that is calming and invigorating. It maintains an intense terpene flavour. The side effects of using weed are decreased while vaping at these temperatures. If you are looking to remain highly productive while enjoying the calming effects of cannabis 162 C – 176 C is the ideal temperature range.

Half Baked

If you are experimenting with marijuana, the 177 C-204 C temperature range is a sweet spot. Vaping at this range gives plenty of terpenes while providing more access to cannabinoids. Half-baked cannabis has a richer flavour and warmer vapour. For transitioning smokers, half-baked weed is a great entry point to vaping. At these temperatures cannabis has stronger psychoactive effects. Cannabinoid availability is increased and THC is volatilized. The vapour gives a euphoric feeling that puts you in a meditative state. If you are looking for the best flavour and effects, half-baked cannabis gives the best of both worlds.

Fully Baked

At 204 C-221 C, maximum cannabinoid extraction occurs. The psychotropic effects are also at their strongest. Although flavour is compromised all active compounds are made available. Full baked cannabis induces lethargy and it’s associated with strong euphoria. Vaping at these temperatures offers the closest experience to smoking. The vapour is hotter and it’s likely to cause coughing.

These temperature ranges are only a guide. Feel free to experiment and find what works best for you. Moreover, take into account the type of weed you are using and the moisture content. With moist buds, most of the heat is wasted drying out the bud. It’s also important to use quality portable vaporizers that are efficient. As you experiment, the general rule to remember is, the lower the temperature the better the taste and the lesser the effects. Don’t go for a full baked experience if you are new to vaping. Moreover, only experiment when you can deal with the side effects. If you are not sure how your experience will be, vape at night when the only thing on your to-do-list is sleep.