What makes a good picnic blanket?

When the time comes for spring warming, birds singing, a riot of greenery wakes up and the trees shimmer with delicate flowering, we are drawn to nature. A picnic in this case is the best way of nature therapy.

Don’t have a picnic blanket yet? But is an old bedspread or baby blanket good for a picnic? We advise you to purchase a special blanket, which was originally designed for use in nature. How is it different from your favorite bedspread?

Picnic blankets, as reusable equipment, should be easy to clean or wash. The cost of the picnic blanket depends on what materials it is made of and how the product meets the listed requirements.

And how to find luxury picnic blankets to match your personal style?

Features of a picnic blanket

Ideally, if the blanket consists of two layers. The bottom is waterproof synthetic, for example, made of polyester, foil, or artificial leather. With it, you will not be afraid of spring moisture.

But the top layer will save you from coolness. It should be soft, like a heater. Fleece or microfiber does an excellent job with this role. If you are looking for a pure summer option, oilcloth coatings like acrylic are suitable.

Plaid on a picnic

Not everyone has the opportunity to spend time on a prepared perfectly even lawn. Most likely in a park or in a clearing in a suburban planting, there are small stones, dry twigs, and traces from a previous picnic.

Therefore, it is desirable that between the two outer layers of the blanket there is a third, inner, made of synthetic winterizer or a similar material. It will play the role of additional insulation and make the blanket denser, and your stay in nature more comfortable.


A good picnic blanket has a nice feature: it is unpretentious in care. Spilled juice, traces of ketchup, and greasy stains are difficult to wash off from natural fabrics. Blades of grass and thorns lag much more easily from a smooth surface of plaid than from a fleecy one.

Also, a good picnic blanket that folds easily. Plaid bags with comfortable handles are often sold. Outwardly, they resemble beach mats, because they are folded into small flat blocks, fastened with Velcro, buttons, or tied with ropes.


A comfortable, properly selected picnic blanket will serve as bedding, a pillow, and even a blanket. The bottom waterproof layer will become an awning or an umbrella if it suddenly rains in the forest.

The dimensions of the picnic blanket are selected based on the prospects for its use, depending on how many people the blanket should be designed for.

Most picnic blankets for easy transportation when folded take a compact size. Some product models are included in special cases. There are rugs that, when folded, turn into a convenient bag.

So, a picnic blanket is a practical thing that guarantees you and your family a pleasant and safe holiday. All you need for fun is to add a grill, pleasant music, and a good mood to it!