Whether it’s a legendary footballer or a famed inventor, many of us are proud to be from the same town as a notable figure.
But who exactly is the most significant person to hail from your hometown?
An incredible interactive map has been developed this week that reveals the birthplaces of the most ‘notable people’ around the world.
It suggests that Sean Connery is the most notable person to hail from Edinburgh, while Barack Obama tops the list in Honolulu, and Freddie Mercury in Zanzibar.
Whether it’s a legendary footballer or a famed inventor, many of us are proud to be from the same town as a notable figure. But who is the most important person to hail from your hometown?
The map is the brainchild of Mapbox researcher and geographer Topi Tjukanov and is based on a study published in June this year.
In the study, researchers from the University of Paris set out to calculate a person’s notability based on information scraped from Wikipedia and Wikidata.
‘A new strand of literature aims at building the most comprehensive and accurate database of notable individuals,’ the research team, led by Morgane Laouénan wrote.
‘We collect a massive amount of data from various editions of Wikipedia and Wikidata.’
The data takes into account a number of factors, including the number of Wikipedia entries, the length of entries, the average number of views for each person from 2015-2018, and the total number of external links.
‘Using data from Morgane Laouenan et al, the map is showing birthplaces of the most “notable people” around the world,’ Mr Tjukanov explained.
‘Data has been processed to show only one person for each unique geographic location with the highest notability rank.’
Users can view the most notable person in their hometown across four categories – Culture, Discovery & Science, Leadership, or Sports & Games.
Alternatively, you can select ‘All’ to see the overall most notable person.

In Texas, Selena Gomez, Tommy Lee Jones and Beyonce are some of the most notable people, while in Florida, Ariana Grande, Jim Morrison and Tomy Petty top the list

The map is the brainchild of Mapbox researcher and geographer Topi Tjukanov and is based on a study published in June this year
While you might think that one of the members of the royal family would be the most notable person born in London, the map suggests that Charlie Chaplin is actually the UK capital’s most notable person.
Meanwhile, in other cities across the UK, Roald Dahl is the most notable person from Cardiff, J.J. Thomson from Manchester, Mel B from Leeds, and Sean Connery from Edinburgh, according to the map.
Across the pond in the United States, several famous names top the list.
In Texas, Selena Gomez, Tommy Lee Jones and Beyonce are some of the most notable people, while in Florida, Ariana Grande, Jim Morrison and Tomy Petty top the list.
And in California, it’s Marilyn Monroe, Cameron Diaz, and Cher who take the titles as the most notable people.
Mr Tjukanov posted a link to the map on Twitter, writing: ‘Did you know Freddie Mercury was born in Zanzibar and Barack Obama in Honolulu?
‘Who is the most famous person from your home town?’
Many users have responded to discuss the unexpected famous faces from their hometowns.
One user said: ‘My small hometown of Linlithgow (pop. 15k) is birthplace to Mary Queen of Scots, Prof Charles Wyville Thomson (who led the Challenger expedition of 1872), John West (tinned fish) and in 2222 *will* be the birth place of Cmdr Montgomery Scott of the USS Enterprise!’
Another added: ‘Sharing a birthplace with Frank Oz will never stop pleasing me.
‘I like to tell people that means both Yoda and Fozzie Bear were born in the same hospital as me.’
And one joked: ‘This is just such silly fun. I’m enjoying discovering all the folks I didn’t know were Yinzers: Jeff Goldblum? Coach Cal? Never knew about them!’
Read more at DailyMail.co.uk