Why 2019 is the best year in in centuries to make a resolution (and stick to it!)

Resolutions are meant for New Year, but it is rare that the best time to start your new regimen coincides with January 1. Yet 2019 will be different.

Mars, planet of motivation and energy, enters its home sign of Aries on the first day of the year, so it’s the perfect moment to kickstart those promises you have made to yourself and others.

Whether it’s giving up smoking, losing weight or pursuing a more fulfilling social life, you really do have a better chance of sticking to your resolution this year. This opportunity truly is very rare indeed. I’ve scoured the record books — way back to 1800 — and can’t find a single year when Mars entered Aries on the first day.

And there is even more astrological help at hand for anyone seeking to make changes from the start of 2019. The gradual convergence of Saturn and Pluto (which culminates the following January) is a once-in-a-generation event.

Resolutions are meant for New Year, but it is rare that the best time to start your new regimen coincides with January 1, yet 2019 will be different

The ‘coming together’ process has started already. On a wider scale, this suggests radical change in institutions and large organisations. The personal meaning is clear, too. The conjunction will give steely determination to all who seek change, and this will become more intense as 2019 progresses.

The year ahead also brings an event that will be visible across the world, as Mercury, planet of communication, trade and commerce, traces a path across the face of the Sun in November. This Transit of Mercury won’t happen again until 2032.

The last time one took place was May 2016. Just think about how the world has altered since then. Fires, floods, famines and fake news. Trump, Brexit, you name it — all the things we thought we could depend on have been thrown up in the air, and unparalleled and unimaginable change has affected all our lives.

But the build-up to this year’s transit brings the potential for more honest communication and a sense of relief, as hidden agendas become clearer and new bonds of trust are nurtured.

The Supermoon Lunar Eclipse in January, which sees the Moon turn red, gets us off to a flying start. It is one of many optimistic cosmic signs this year, and helps focus our intentions. With the right kind of motivation, this can be the moment when the intense period of upheaval we’ve been experiencing finally begins to ease.

Then, as the doors to better communication gradually open, we can expect positive (if surprising) developments concerning difficult and divisive issues, such as referendums, elections and breakdowns in trust.

Jupiter, the planet of luck, adventure and boundless optimism, will be at full strength in its home sign of Sagittarius for almost all of 2019. That means we’re in for an adventure, too. Advances can be made on the most difficult of journeys, and there’s fun to be had.

Along with this surge of optimism comes a quest for meaning and purpose. Not only will we develop a stronger belief in the potential to act with integrity and care for ourselves, our neighbours and our planet, but we might even see the occasional miracle!

The new year also brings a chance to explore what we had once thought impossible.

Jupiter’s relationship with the visionary dreaminess of Neptune represents a real opportunity to grow in roles we have never had the confidence to inhabit fully.

Mars, the power planet, adds dynamism to the astrological mix, giving us the energy to find unexpected treasures.

Uranus, the planet of revolution, begins to move forward after the first week in January. This signifies momentum and the chance to form hopeful new allegiances. Even those in conflict may find themselves on a similar track.

But when Uranus returns to Taurus early in March, we can expect some shocks to the system. We might welcome the resulting innovation, but it will also remind us that security and stability can be necessary casualties on the road to genuine progress.

The antidote for tumult lies with Saturn and Neptune’s long-awaited and encouraging alliance, which peaks three times in 2019.

While taskmaster Saturn’s disciplined nature seems at odds with Neptune’s free-spirited, expressive style, these strange bedfellows encourage the best in each other. Saturn’s determined realism helps to cement Neptune’s dreams, ensuring that inspiring ideas become more than just wishful thinking.

With their final tryst coinciding with the Transit of Mercury, the journey of 2019 will end optimistically. It will be a year of adventure, and will offer plenty of potential for revival and renewal, too, no matter your sign . . .


March 21 — April 20

The year begins with a creative flurry as January’s Supermoon Lunar Eclipse brings an opportunity to experiment and implement some imaginative solutions.

As the event sees the Moon turn deep red, the celestial energy will be directed towards the revolutionary planet Uranus, which is ready to shake things up before leaving your sign. When the great change-maker finally leaves in March, you can enjoy truly electrifying gains resulting from any recent changes.

Although it might not be a smooth ride, your adaptability will ensure you can turn any surprises into positives. Finding the courage to acknowledge past mistakes will spur you on to make any crucial alterations.

Armed with passion, as Jupiter’s alignment with Neptune in September forms a Grand Cross configuration, you’ll be emboldened to accept a challenge.

Your refusal to accept past defeat will prove your greatest asset. November’s Transit of Mercury represents an inspiring moment to guide you into a much brighter, happier future.


April 21 — May 21

This year’s Transit of Mercury occurs in November, around the time of the annual Full Moon in your sign. This timing is a clear suggestion that you will benefit from huge, tangible improvements in 2019.

Unlike with the 2016 transit, this year you will find that the transit brings you clarity and an opportunity to revisit and reshape old ideas and plans.

For you, the year is packed with chances to correct mistakes and develop new projects.

Now, rather than being at odds with some of the important people in your life, you can collaborate and act as a team.

January’s Supermoon Lunar Eclipse is an emotional event for the entire zodiac.

But with Venus, your ruler, simultaneously converging with effervescent Jupiter, be ready to experience intense emotions and have powerful insights.

You may feel you’re being swept up in a tidal wave of change. But your earth-sign roots are strong, giving you the ability to act as a cornerstone, and to inspire positive change in your own life, as well as other people’s.


May 22 — June 22

Since 2019’s major astrological event involves your ruler, Mercury, this is a big year for you. Its transit comes later in the year, but the journey to it brings chances to alter your life for the better and carve out a path towards happiness.

There’s celestial support throughout the year. Mysterious dreamer Neptune will dare you to imagine a future unfettered by compromise.

But it’s Neptune’s series of dynamic links with Saturn, signifying determination, and enthusiastic Jupiter, that gives you the chance to achieve more than you dare to dream of.

As Mercury and Mars converge opposite Saturn and Pluto in June, the iron will be hot and the hammer ready to fall.

But it’s up to you to define the exact nature of their impact.

If you acknowledge past missteps, you can bring about simple but important changes.


June 23 — July 23

The spectacular fireworks taking us into 2019 will be echoed in your life, when the Moon puts on a dazzling display later in January. As your ruler glows red in the Supermoon Lunar Eclipse, it forms a stunning alignment with Jupiter — linked to Neptune.

This will bring you the clarity needed to assess your priorities, and the motivation to implement healthy changes.

Saturn, ensconced opposite your sign, will guide you to people willing to help you achieve common goals. If you can stand back and appreciate the lessons they bring, you’ll discover innovative ways to progress.

You’re uniquely positioned to benefit from the inspiring Transit of Mercury.

Here’s your chance to creatively reimagine your life and solve problems you have tried to ignore — possibly with solutions once seen as outlandish.

Your 2019 journey is leading to a better life. If you’re looking for an exciting change of view, this is the year to find it.


July 24 — August 23

The Transit of Mercury can’t happen without your ruler, the Sun.

The run-up to the event will bring a celestial makeover and a chance to review past decisions.

This will help you lay foundations for big improvements.

The January Supermoon Lunar Eclipse takes place in Leo, forming a powerful configuration with Jupiter (luck) and Neptune (mystery), and putting you in the spotlight. You’ll gain a level of ingenuity that may surprise you.

Your ability to charm and entertain will be enhanced if you reveal your more sensitive side. Tapping into it will encourage true emotional connection.

In 2019, as you communicate in a more honest way, you’ll realise the value of the connections you’ve created with key people, and be able to make lasting links with new folk.

Support will come from surprising sources, and you’ll have celestial backing, too.

If you express your truth with care, the cosmos will have your best interests at heart.


August 24 — September 23

Q: What does the Transit of Mercury mean for a sign ruled by that planet?

A: A year packed with clarity and inspiration.

All that and some moments of spectacular intuition, too. The transit is the promise that your voice will be heard.

It won’t all be plain sailing, though. Neptune, midway through a 15-year sojourn in your opposite sign, will add drama.

But help is at hand in the guise of the cosmic teacher, Saturn, which links with dreamy Neptune and demands that you channel your creativity into viable ideas. You’ll need to show determination, too.

In 2019, Jupiter makes helpful links with Neptune, so even if you doubt the wisdom of some choices, you’ll find yourself in situations which renew your self-confidence.

The transit is a chance to emerge from a shadow you’ve long wanted to leave behind.

With courage, reviving old ideas can embolden you to take action. It’s time to be brave — the world is watching.


September 24 — October 23

With your sign represented by scales, it’s no wonder Librans are known for their fairness.

A Supermoon Lunar Eclipse late in January demonstrates just how you can help to make the world a better place through community efforts.

With your ruler (Venus) converging with Jupiter — which makes the first of 2019’s exciting links to Neptune — you will soon discover the creativity to effect real change.

That ongoing relationship between Jupiter and Neptune indicates that you’ll have the resolve to overcome challenges.

In March, as Uranus moves out of your opposite sign, a discovery will be the highlight of your year.

So, by the time November’s Transit of Mercury arrives, you’ll know you have skilfully avoided an obstacle which could have prevented you from achieving a treasured dream.

As the rare transit approaches, you’ll be reminded of the expendability of your resources.

Help is at hand from dynamic Mars, which is encouraged by Jupiter’s appetite for growth.

A re-evaluation of your priorities will set you on the path to far greater happiness.


October 24 — November 22

The year’s big cosmic event, the Transit of Mercury, takes place in Scorpio. It’s a blessing. Yet you value privacy, and the thought of so much light shining in your direction is unsettling.

But 2019 is your chance to shine. It’s not just November’s transit that will make people take notice.

Uranus, the electrifying visionary, finally completes its move into Taurus in March.

Opposite your sign, it will make a key difference to your most valued relationships.

It can’t guarantee harmony, but it promises progress where things have stalled.

The energy from Jupiter’s links with Neptune is most effective in the June Solstice, which sees the possibility of achieving new resolutions, and of revelations.

On your journey towards the transit, you’ll reassess your capabilities. Rather than staying on the sidelines, you’ll be empowered to take charge of your destiny.

Whatever your dreams, 2019 brings the inspiration and intuition to help you realise them.


November 23 — December 21

With lucky Jupiter, your ruling planet, in Sagittarius for most of 2019, the possibilities for you this year — material, spiritual and intellectual — are almost endless.

Opportunities to travel and find new horizons will unfold. You will be energised to tackle difficult projects and fix situations which have been eating too much of your time. In March, as Uranus, the great change-maker, moves signs, you can end a problematic cycle.

Throughout the year, you can expect innovative breakthroughs which will surprise you and astonish others. The spectacular Transit of Mercury in November will help you rediscover qualities you thought you’d lost. It should also guide you to share your ideas with a greater sensitivity.

The alignments between Jupiter and sensitive Neptune suggest you might dwell on past events. But there will be chances to revise major decisions. Your challenge is to find a balance between freedom and understanding the needs of key people in your life.


December 22 — January 20

To TRULY understand your 2019, look at the end of that year first. When Jupiter, planet of luck and adventure, enters Capricorn in December, half the major planets will be in your sign — a uniquely strong position, suggesting a period of great success in the run-up to the year’s end.

Your ruler, Saturn, remains in your sign, and Pluto has been there since 2008, so you have powerful allies already helping you to resolve complex situations.

A series of encouraging links between your ruler and Neptune mark crucial turning points in your year. Together with innovative Uranus, which changes signs in March, they highlight your creativity and compassion.

The cosmos is also encouraging you to have faith in your talent for inspiring others. Your self-motivation is legendary, but this year you’ll also reap the benefits of good teamwork.

November’s Transit of Mercury brings a moment to revisit past decisions and find ways to progress before Jupiter drops by to help. It’s an enjoyable year in prospect.


January 21 — February 19

The year begins with the Supermoon Lunar Eclipse in your opposite sign, and your ruler, Uranus, is positioned to capitalise on this gift. You’ll be able to sweep stalled ambitions aside and discover new ventures.

When Uranus changes signs in March, it will highlight your need to get out of unhelpful cycles.

Your quick-thinking and willingness to adapt give you an unfair reputation for being disruptive. You also see what others miss. So be diplomatic, and take time to explain your rationale. You’ll need others with you on your journey.

When your traditional ruler, Saturn, makes a series of encouraging links to Neptune, you’ll find support for your bold ideas.

November’s Transit of Mercury will change people’s perception of you, as you begin to see your emotional reserve as a resource, not a vulnerability. The timing of the transit suggests you’ll gain the appreciation you deserve.


February 20 — March 20

THE Transit of Mercury lets you consolidate what you have learnt in the year, and it will be the event we will certainly all be watching.

But a more subtle force will create magic. Neptune, your modern ruler, may not be visible to the naked eye, but the links it makes with Saturn bring you healing and hope. You will make new bonds and bring projects to fruition.

Neptune also creates an exciting relationship with your traditional ruler, Jupiter. With both planets in their own signs for the first time since the 1800s, they exert a powerful force for change.

Prepare for when their relationship peaks (January, June and September), as Neptune’s creativity and empathy fuse with Jupiter’s optimism and wisdom.

The sky really is the limit on this roller-coaster. But under Saturn’s gaze, you’re strapped in safely. Enjoy the ride.


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