Why the Key To Superior Software Development is Cloud Computing

The cloud is a well-known part of computer programs and software development, but many people don’t realize how important it is to software development these days. Since its development, cloud computing has drastically changed how software programs are developed and what services they can provide. Software development agencies like KitelyTech.com utilize cloud computing to supercharge their software development process. In this article, we discuss how cloud computing improves software development.

File Sharing

Perhaps the most important and fundamental change to software development that cloud computing provides is the massive improvement to file sharing. In previous models, developers would have to update a central repository of files and make a copy every time they needed to work. Then, someone would have to take all of the disparate copies and somehow bring them back together into one cohesive file. Not only was this time consuming, but it led to a lot of errors and problems.

Cloud computing lets teams share files quickly and efficiently while making it possible to work on the same file at the same time in real-time. No more file pulldowns and uploads, everyone has access to the same core set of files and can use them at the exact same time. It is a massive improvement in time management, error management, and teamwork.

Redundancy for Security

The basis of cloud computing is that files are stored off-site in remote and secure locations while users have access to those files remotely. This created redundancy, which means that losing a single file on a single user’s computer won’t destroy the original. This is a major benefit for security reasons since it essentially means that all users have a copy of the same file in case something happens to any one of them. The file can be rebuilt from any of the users’ copies or the central copy if needed.

Split Chains and Version Control

Software development projects often involve trying new things and reverting back to previous versions if it doesn’t work. Split chains (also referred to as forking) can be effective for managing this. Essentially, a split chain or fork is created by branching off of the original with a copy. This makes developers free to try whatever they like as long as the original copy is not updated in the process. If something doesn’t work, they just delete the file and go back to the original. Cloud computing makes this very easy to do and without complicated version control software.

Any Developer, Anywhere

Since cloud computing works from a central file that everyone can access and update at the same time, that means that any developer can work on a project from anywhere in the world. Decentralized teams are becoming more important in software development, especially as people work remotely. The ability to do this is a direct result of cloud computing advancements.

Many More Benefits to Be Had

There are many more benefits to using cloud computing in software development. The ability to centralize operations while simultaneously decentralize developers is a powerful tool. If you need software developed, check out an agency to see if they can help you build the new technology that you need.