Why this sign at a beach has visitors fuming: ‘What a scam’

Aussies have been left fuming after being forced to pay a $12 fee to access popular beaches with their cars in South Australia. 

Those wishing to drive down to the Aldingam, Moana, Sellicks and Silver Sands beaches, all of which allow cars on the sand, to the south of Adelaide must cough up a $12 fee unless they are a local resident with a free seasonal beach pass.

One outraged visitor shared footage of a sign set up in front of the access ramp, explaining payments can be made by either cash or EFTPOS.

It also urges them to be ‘patient and kind’ as the access ramp is run by volunteers. 

‘Have a look at this guys, it used to be $10 but it’s gone up to $12 for a car to come down here onto the beach,’ the visitor said.

‘Some will be locals and get passes from the council but these guys have jacked it up $2.

‘A joke, the cost of living today and people are taking away people’s advantage of coming down here and enjoy it.’

Social media users overwhelmingly agreed with the sentiment. 

‘What a scam,’ one person wrote.

‘1. There’s no f***ing way that is properly legal,’ another said.

‘2. “Volunteers” revenue-collecting on behalf of the council. Like f***. Why would they. When in the history of the earth has that ever happened.

‘3. This is the most embarrassing country on the planet.’

The outraged visitor replied the volunteers get a third of the charge. 

‘The “council” has “volunteers” COLLECTING THEIR PROCEEDS!!! for a natural, god made BEACH!!!’ they wrote.

‘The Councils “grift” Is that they use that money, the make the beach better!! I can’t even.’

In September 2024 the City of Onkaparinga responded to questions about the price rise from $10 to $12.

A $12 access fee for beaches south of Adelaide has been met with anger and disbelief

Council revealed $375,000 was collected from beach day passes during the financial year of 2023/24.

With volunteers getting $4 out of every $12 collected, $125,000 was raised to support community groups with the other $250,000 going towards council’s ‘management ‘maintenance of the foreshore’.

The council said the fee had previously been increased in 2019 and the new price hike reflected the ‘increasing costs to maintain our foreshore environment and manage safe use where vehicles are permitted’.

Fines for those who take their vehicle onto the beaches without a permit or pass also jumped steeply from $170 to $312.

While City of Onkaparinga residents are entitled to a free seasonal beach pass this is restricted to one per household.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk