As we grow older, the first place to reveal tell-tale signs of ageing is the area around our lips.
Seemingly innocuous actions like pouting, drinking through straws, chewing gum and even applying lip balm can deepen the appearance of creases which are known as smoker lines (even if you have never smoked a cigarette in your life).
Sydney-based aesthetic skin practitioner Sarah Hudson revealed a little known antidote to slow the progress of wrinkles around your pout.
Sydney-based aesthetic skin practitioner Sarah Hudson revealed a little known antidote to slow the progress of wrinkles around your pout
According to Ms Hudson, lips age so rapidly because of prolonged dryness and continuous muscle movement around the outside of the mouth.
‘Just like the eye area, it is important to keep the collagen in the skin [around this area] strong,’ she told Body and Soul, adding that lips often become chapped due to long-lasting lipsticks and continuous application of lip gloss.
Ms Hudson said the secret to reducing lip lines lies in your eye cream.

According to Ms Hudson, lips age so rapidly because of prolonged dryness and continuous muscle movement around the outside of the mouth
Eye creams are made with peptides which stimulate the production of collagen, an essential ingredient for plump, firm and radiant skin.
‘The eye and lip area not only age the fastest due to the breakdown of collagen from continual movement, they also lack in oil glands which is why it makes sense to use your eye cream for both areas,’ she said.
Charlotte Tilbury celebrity makeup artist Kate Synnott agreed, telling Popsugar Australia that ‘whatever is good for the eyes is good for the mouth and just on top of the lips for hydration’.

She recommended topical serums containing large quantities of vitamin A and C to stimulate collagen production, which also tones and firms skin texture
Ms Hudson said the ideal method of applying eye cream for optimum age defying results starts with a thorough lip cleanse using standard face or eye cleanser.
Gently exfoliating your lips two to three times a week will remove dead skin cells producing a softer and smoother pout.
She recommended topical serums containing large quantities of vitamin A and C to stimulate collagen production, which also tones and firms overall skin texture.
To wind the clock back even more drastically, Ms Hudson suggested a course of micro-needling treatments which targets deeper layers of skin.