Prince Harry has not yet asked his brother to be his best man, Prince William claimed tonight.
The royal also joked that as President of the FA, he is ‘still working’ on the diary clash that sees the Royal wedding being held on the same day as the FA Cup final.
Many have expressed surprise that Harry and fiancée Meghan Markle chose one of the biggest days in the British sporting calendar to tie the knot at Windsor Castle, on Saturday May 19.
But both Kensington Palace and the FA insist there will be no direct clash between the nuptials and the match and that it will very much be a day to remember.
With Harry having acted as best man for his brother when he married the Duchess of Cambridge in 2011, William is expected to be a shoe-in for the role.
Prince William has revealed that he has not yet been enlisted as best man at his brother’s wedding at an event run by the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)
William talked about the wedding as he joined a discussion of what makes a ‘best man’ at an event run by the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM), a charity aimed at preventing male suicide through open discussion which has recently launched a ‘Best Man Project’ celebrating men’s friendship.
Radio DJ Roman Kemp, compering, highlighted the Duke’s own role as best man in the coming months.
Laughing, he replied: ‘He hasn’t asked me yet, just to clear that up. It could be a sensitive subject.’
Asked by footballer Rio Ferdinand about the awkward clash of dates on May 19 which means William is likely to miss the final match itself he replied he was ‘trying to see what I can do’ about the situation.
William went on to speak about his relationship with his brother, emphasising the importance of men speaking openly to one another about their emotions.

The royal (pictured with Rio Ferdinand) also joked that he is ‘still working’ on the diary clash that sees the Royal wedding held on the same day as the FA Cup final

Prince Harry will marry fiance Meghan Markle in May this year, and Kensington Palace have assured football fans that the ceremony will not clash with the FA Cup
‘Our relationship is closer than it’s been because of the situation we’ve been through,’ he said.
‘Losing our mother at a young age it’s helped us travel through that difficult patch together. You’re like-minded. You go through similar things, it’s a bond and it’s something you know you’ve tackled together and come out better for it.
‘That’s the thing about being a best mate, inevitable one of you is sometimes on an up while the other is on a down.
‘You’re always there for each other and repaying that favour.’

It was footballer Ferdinand who bought up the awkward clash to the royal on Wednesday

William also spoke about how his mother’s death had strengthened the bond between himself and his brother
Of his own approach to discussing his feelings, following his mother’s death, the Duke continued: ‘Personally I didn’t want to be a burden. So I knew that if I trapped this inside and it got worse, and inevitably I would get worse in the future and I’d be a burden to my friends and family.
‘I didn’t want that for my life. I didn’t want the traumatic moment that happened to me to then affect my life for the rest of my life and I knew my mother wouldn’t want that for me either.
‘So I actively went around dealing with it. Talking about it.’
Arguing men can be the worst for opening up, he added: ‘We’ve got to break that down where it’s ok to talk. Sons, fathers, it’s ok to have that chat.
‘Someone’s got to be the brave one and take the first step. Say I’m putting it out there: that upset me, or that pissed me off. You’ve got to take that initial step to bring that conversation to a head.’

William admitted that he hadn’t wanted to ‘be a burden’ when it came to discussing his feelings following Diana’s death

William met with Chair of CALM James Scroggs (left) and CALM CEO Simon Gunning to dicuss his ‘Best Man’ project
CALM is one of the key charity partners of Heads Together, the campaign led by The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry.
The charity is particularly focused on services for men in crisis or distress, in an age where suicide is the single biggest killer of men under the age of 45 in the UK.
William has previously spoken of being called to a suicide on his first shift as an air ambulance pilot, and how it has informed his charity work since.
Their long-term campaigning is directed at bringing about a culture change to ‘redefine and open up masculinity, so that over time fewer men will need support at crisis point’.
CALM recently launched the ‘Best Man Project’ to promote the idea that men do not have to wait until a wedding to prove they are a great friend, encouraging them to be proactive in looking out for their mental health.
CALM said: ‘Being a best man is an honour.
‘Being a best man is often a shining example of what it means to be a great mate.
‘From the moment they’re asked, many men display exemplary behaviour – from planning the stag do, to carrying the rings and engineering the laughs while reminiscing to a room full of people.
‘At CALM, we’re of the belief that you don’t need a wedding to be a best man. In fact you can be a best man all though your life.’