Winners from Lithgow in New South Wales and north-east Victoria share $70million Oz Lotto jackpot

Two lottery groups from the country have won a $70million OzLotto jackpot, with an instant multi-millionaire planning to buy a new washing machine with the prize.

A blue-collar worker from Lithgow, west of the Blue Mountains in New South Wales, and a syndicate of six families from north-east Victoria will each take home $35million.

A woman, who was part of the Victorian syndicate, contacted the Tatts Group after learning lottery officials had been trying to contact a division one winner in her state.

Two lottery groups from the country have won a $70million OzLotto jackpot, with an instant multi-millionaire planning to buy a new washing machine with the prize

‘Oh my god,’ she said breathlessly when her family’s win was confirmed. 

‘There’s six of us in the syndicate and everyone will be excited to know it’s all official. 

‘It actually ends up benefiting six families. 

‘We’ve had a group chat going all morning about how we are each going to spend our share of the win.’

They had bought a ticket online at but had not properly filled out their details. 

‘I know one family member is going to buy a new washing machine and another is going to get a water tank,’ the woman who was part of the syndicate said.

The manual worker from Lithgow was ‘blown away’ when told last night his ticket from his local Top End Newsagency had made him very rich.

‘Oh, fair dinkum? You’re kidding? That is the best news I’ve had in a long time. Hallelujah,’ he said.

‘I don’t think I’ll sleep tonight.’ 

The man in his fifties from the town, which has the distinction of having Australia’s coldest average temperatures, is planning to retire early and fly first class.

‘I’ll tell you what – my next holiday will be at the pointy end of the plane,’ he said.

The manual worker from Lithgow was 'blown away' when told last night his ticket from his local Top End Newsagency had made him very rich

The manual worker from Lithgow was ‘blown away’ when told last night his ticket from his local Top End Newsagency had made him very rich

The $70million OzLotto draw last night was held in the same week as Thursday night’s upcoming $80million Powerball.

The combined prize of $150million is the biggest ever pool in the 137-year history of Australian lotteries.  

The Powerball jackpot is also soaring to $80million for the first time since 2009, however that division one prize was not won nine years ago.

In January 2016, a Powerball ticket sold at Hervey Bay, in southern Queensland, won someone $70million, setting the current Australian lottery record for an individual prize.

‘We could also see another Australian lottery record created next week if just one entry claims the entire $80 million division one prize pool,’ Tatts Group spokesman Matt Hart said.  

‘Customers will no doubt be dreaming about how their life could change if they win a share in next week’s $80 million division one prize pool.’

So far this year, nine Powerball tickets have won a combined $121million.

This included a Melbourne mystery winner taking home $55million in July from a ticket bought in January.

The luckiest instant multimillionaire of 2018 claimed the prize just seven days before it would have been forfeited to the Victorian government’s State Revenue Office.

The $70million OzLotto draw last night was held in the same week as Thursday night's upcoming $80million Powerball

The $70million OzLotto draw last night was held in the same week as Thursday night’s upcoming $80million Powerball

When it came to an overall lottery prize for one draw, that record was set in November 2012 when $100million from an Oz Lotto draw was shared between four people in New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria.

Australia’s first lottery draw took place in 1881, when George Adams, a publican, coach driver, stock dealer, saddler, baker and goldfields hopeful, organised a public sweep on the Sydney Cup. 

This became the cornerstone of Tattersall’s Sweeps.

Oz Lotto began in Australia in 1994, while Powerball debuted in 1996.

The top five most frequently drawn winning numbers in Oz Lotto are 40, 33, 19, 25 and 2. 

With Powerball, two-thirds of division one wins have been QuickPick entries, where the numbers were randomly generated. 

The top five most frequently drawn winning numbers in Powerball were 32, 34, 9, 25 and 24. 

Tickets can be bought at any licensed lottery outlet such as a newsagency or online from or via the Lott mobile app.