Woman gives birth to baby weighing just under 12lbs via c-section while her epidural wore off

A woman in Atlanta gave birth to a chunky baby who weighed just under 12lbs in July, almost a staggering five lbs over the average weight for newborns.

Carmine Trinice, 25, gave birth to her seventh child, Dwayne Michael Canada, on July 27. Not so little Dwayne weighed a whopping 11lbs 5oz at the time of his birth.

But at just 36-weeks, Trinice had suspected something was up when she went in for an ultrasound and felt that Dwayne was ‘way too big’. 

Carmine Trinice, 25, gave birth to her seventh child, Dwayne Michael Canada, on July 27. Dwayne weighed a whopping 11lbs 5oz at the time of his birth

‘I couldn’t stand on my feet for more than 20 minutes, or walk for too long without having pain,’ Trinice said. ‘I gained about 50lbs during pregnancy but a lot of it was belly.’

At the time he had already weighed eight pounds, Unilad reports. 

The pain was unbearable, with the mother struggling to even do simple task like standing.

‘I couldn’t stand on my feet for more than 20 minutes, or walk for too long without having pain,’ she said. ‘I gained about 50lbs during pregnancy but a lot of it was belly.’

Trinice had planned to have a cesarean section. Six years ago, she gave birth to a daughter who was heavy in her own right, weighing 8lbs 7oz.

She claimed to have eaten well during her pregnancy, as ‘everyone was feeding [her] well,’ including her boyfriend and family. 

At just 36-weeks, Trinice had suspected something was up when she went in for an ultrasound and felt that Dwayne was 'way too big' (pictured May 8)

At just 36-weeks, Trinice had suspected something was up when she went in for an ultrasound and felt that Dwayne was ‘way too big’ (pictured May 8)

Her diet would consist of ‘bacon burgers every other day’ and she ‘craved steak a lot.’

The mother had planned to go into surgery at 1.15pm and was given an epidural at 12.45pm, but lack of hospital rooms forced her time to be pushed back to 2.20pm. 

As a result, Trinice felt a lot more of the pregnancy. 

She claimed to have eaten well during her pregnancy, as 'everyone was feeding [her] well,' including her boyfriend and family

She claimed to have eaten well during her pregnancy, as ‘everyone was feeding [her] well,’ including her boyfriend and family

‘It burned like a fire was lit in my stomach and I felt him being pulled out,’ she asserted. 

Trinice has chosen not to breastfeed the little giant, since he requires so much milk. 

At first he was drinking five to 10ml before graduating to 20-40ml in 24 hours. He now drinks approximately three oz every two to three hours. 

A friend of Trinice posted a photo of Dwayne which quickly became viral, gaining more than 52k shares.   

‘I really didn’t expect him to go viral all of my friends were just shocked at how big he was,’ the mother said.

‘I’ve had mothers from Texas to England messaging me congratulations or having questions about the birth or what I ate.

‘It’s been humbling knowing the first week of my sons life he’s made his mark on the world.’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk