A woman who got implants that increased her breasts by three cup sizes after being bullied over her ‘small breasts’ has revealed that the implants made her feel suicidal and caused her to break out in cystic acne.
Mollie Smith, 29, from Wyoming, grew up ashamed of her smaller chest as she was a late bloomer. Pressurized by the media and bullied by boys in school, she watched as other girls developed at faster rates and attracted the attention of the opposite sex, leaving her feeling invisible and unattractive.
The bullying that Mollie, who has since had her implants removed and has promised to put her health before her appearance, received from her classmates became so severe she would cry herself to sleep nightly.

Journey: Mollie Smith, 29, pictured before (L) and after (R) she had her breast implants removed, has revealed that the implants made her develop cystic acne and depression

Struggle: Seen during the height of her depression, Mollie, from Wyoming, was bullied growing up for her ‘small breasts’ and ultimately decided to get breast augmentation surgery

Bullied: Mollie recalls being bullied while growing up, as people made fun of her smaller chest. The client success manager even remembers crying herself to sleep on a regular basis
Mollie, who is a client success manager, remembers being called a ‘pirates dream’ and ‘carpenter’s special’. The abuse was so persistent, it led to her stuffing her bra with toilet tissue.
One of her most painful memories involved a classmate approaching her from behind on her way to class, aggressively pulling on the back of her bra, resulting in the toilet paper falling to the floor in front of a hall full of her peers.

Before: Mollie spent $5,000 on surgery that increased her cup size from a 32A to a 32C
Her severe insecurity continued throughout her early twenties and she decided to make a permanent change; it was then she decided to spend almost $5,000 on a breast augmentation surgery, altering her cup size from a 32A to a 32C.
After the procedure, her confidence soared; the attention from men and the feeling of being noticed more was something she had never experienced, and it became addictive for her.
However, the excitement and enjoyment of her breast implants was short-lived. A year after her surgery, she began experiencing a myriad of unexplained symptoms: fatigue, extreme depression and anxiety, brain fog, full body hives, and severe cystic acne.
All tests came back normal, leaving her feeling crazy, it was around this time when her depression became so overpowering that she was experiencing panic attacks and dark suicidal thoughts, which led to a visit to a psychiatrist who diagnosed her with bipolar disorder.
At this point she was on various medications including antidepressants, mood stabilizers, medicine for cystic acne to manage her unexplained symptoms.
Around this time, she had met her now boyfriend, Zaz, 31, who supported her through the whole experience.

Devastating: A year after her surgery, she began experiencing a myriad of unexplained symptoms including fatigue, extreme depression and anxiety, brain fog, and cystic acne

Awful: Mollie, whose confidence had initially soared after having her surgery, also broke out in hives around one year after her surgery

Difference: Pictured before (L) and after (R) having her implants removed, she also suffered with extreme bloating, which completely went down when she had her implants taken out

Shock: Before Mollie had her explant surgery, her breasts (pictured before the surgery) had swelled up to a larger size of 32DD, and she discovered that she had Breast Implant Illness
With his help, she did extensive research and stumbled upon a YouTube video of an influencer called Karissa Pukas, who described the symptoms she had from Breast Implant Illness (BII) that matched hers.
And Mollie isn’t the only woman who has experienced the symptoms. Back in December, 2018, fitness blogger Sia Cooper, from Florida, revealed that she had her implants removed after years of experiencing similar symptoms.
The mother-of-two, best known for her blog Diary of a Fit Mommy struggled with extreme fatigue, facial rashes, chest pain, brain fog and even hair loss.
Through a friend’s recommendation, Mollie joined a Facebook group called Breast Implant Illness and Healing. With the support of other women, she decided to remove her implants, finally learning to love herself for who she is.
Despite the surgery costing around $2,700, she booked an appointment and had them removed in June 2019. Before the explant surgery, her breasts had swelled up to 32DD.
‘I started stuffing my bra in high-school in hopes that I could at least be invisible to boys who would bully me,’ Mollie said.
‘It worked for a while until one day, a boy ran up to me from behind and snapped the back of my bra and all the stuffing fell to the floor. I hated my body for being one of the reasons I couldn’t fit in.
‘I think I would have told you before I got implants that I wasn’t influenced by celebrities and the media, but now I know that subconsciously I was.
‘Stars, especially those like the Kardashians and Jenners, really market the hell out of unrealistic body standards.
‘Jameela Jamil recently mentioned that stars like this are “selling women self-consciousness”; that really resonated with me and I couldn’t agree more.
‘I decided to take a stand and change my own Instagram from a place to post pictures where I try to portray some perfect life into a space for speaking my truth and showing my journey with Breast Implant Illness, no matter how ugly it got.
‘I feel a responsibility to show my reality and help others going through a similar experience.

Upset: Mollie stumbled upon a YouTube video of an influencer called Karissa Pukas, who described the symptoms she had from Breast Implant Illness (BII) that matched her

Changes: Pictured in hospital, she decided to have her implants removed in June 2019, and said that a mere hour post-surgery, she felt an instant relief

After: Mollie, whose breasts are pictured after explant surgery, says she feels beautiful in her own skin and has been helped by her boyfriend who has always accepted her for who she is
‘Now that I look back at the timeline, I can see that the symptoms of breast implant illness began early on after my surgery. The symptoms were truly so slow and insidious that I forgot what feeling healthy was like.
‘This is what makes breast implant illness so hard to detect, which is what I suspect makes it so easy for many doctors and plastic surgeons to dismiss so easily.

Supportive: ‘I met Zaz (pictured), my boyfriend in February 2019, when I already had my implants. He saw me at the height of my symptoms – especially the acne and suicidal thoughts,’ she said
‘I even had one plastic surgeon urge me against explanting and that my symptoms could be due to “the aging process” – I’m 29-years-old, for God’s sake.’
A mere hour post-surgery, she felt an instant relief and now says she wants to encourage other women to love their bodies the way they are.
Mollie says now she feels beautiful in her own skin and this has been helped by her boyfriend who has always accepted her for who she is.
‘I met Zaz, my boyfriend in February 2019, when I already had my implants. He saw me at the height of my symptoms – especially the acne and suicidal thoughts,’ she said.
‘He is the one who initially brought up the worries about my memory loss – he was so concerned he thought I showed signs of early onset dementia. It was terrifying.
‘The hardest part was feeling like my body was breaking down while every single medical professional I visited told me I did, in fact, look extremely ill, but that my tests were normal and there wasn’t anything they could do.
‘The day I discovered the video by Karissa Pukas and binge-read the stories of the other women in the Breast Implant Illness Facebook group was the day I decided to take my life back.

Happy: Seen after explant surgery when her skin cleared up, Mollie said: ‘If I would have known about BII, I would have never implanted in the first place’

Radiant: ‘It saddens me that there is a billion-dollar industry built upon placing toxic bags into women’s bodies,’ Mollie, seen after having her implants removed, said

Experience: Mollie said the first hug she shared with her boyfriend after her surgery was ‘the most beautiful experience’, as there were no longer ‘two objects’ between them
‘I finally could put a name to how I had been feeling and I had other women who had my back.
‘My gut told me my implants were killing me; I decided then and there that my health would take priority over my appearance.
‘Zaz has truly helped me feel beautiful in my own skin; he accepts me for who I am.

Love: ‘He looked me in the eyes and said, “I feel like I’m seeing the real you for the first time” – and he was right,’ Mollie said
‘As soon as I told him about BII, he supported me fully and wanted nothing more than for me to get the implants out and feel healthy again.
‘After my explant, all my symptoms are lifting. I plan on tapering off all my medications. My friends and family are telling me I have life back in my eyes and face again.
‘It saddens me that there is a billion-dollar industry built upon placing toxic bags into women’s bodies.
‘It devastates me that women are not warned of the true risks.
‘If I would have known about BII, I would have never implanted in the first place.
‘I made a promise to myself that I will continue sharing my story to urge women considering implants to reconsider and to inform women who may be suffering from similar symptoms.
‘The first hug with my boyfriend on the day after my explant surgery was the most beautiful experience.
‘There were no longer two objects between us. He looked me in the eyes and said, “I feel like I’m seeing the real you for the first time” – and he was right.’