Woman steals stranger’s mail from their doorstep in Perth

A thief has been caught on camera nicking a large parcel from the front porch of a Perth home in a brazen daylight robbery.

Marisa Rees, from Bull Creek in the city’s south, was shocked to find a woman skulking onto her property and leaving with her delivery when reviewing her CCTV footage Tuesday.

In a hopeful post shared online, the mother wrote, ‘Does anyone know this delightful soul who stole my package today?,’ along with a copy of the security video.

A woman has been caught nicking a large parcel from the front porch of a Perth home in a brazen daylight robbery

The 'red-haired' woman skulked onto her property before leaving with her delivery - remaining calm throughout the heist

The ‘red-haired’ woman skulked onto her property before leaving with her delivery – remaining calm throughout the heist

Dressed in an outfit of dark blue denim jeans, burgundy Adidas sneakers and a white polo shirt, the red-haired woman performs a completely calm heist.

Mrs Rees’ husband, Craig, was convinced the ‘desperate soul’ had been scoping out the entire street for goodies to collect. 

‘This delightful, upstanding, salt of the earth human being didn’t just target us, we’ve got footage of her snooping around our street, so I’m sure she’s just holding onto it until somebody’s home. Bless her soul,’ he wrote beneath the video. 

Adding another layer of mystery to the case, Mrs Rees said someone was supposed to sign for the package before it was left by the courier. 

In a hopeful post shared online Tuesday, Marisa Rees (centre) wrote, 'Does anyone know this delightful soul who stole my package today?,' along with a copy of security footage

In a hopeful post shared online Tuesday, Marisa Rees (centre) wrote, ‘Does anyone know this delightful soul who stole my package today?,’ along with a copy of security footage

Dressed in a near-new looking outfit of dark blue denim jeans, burgundy Adidas sneakers and a white polo shirt, the red-haired woman performs a completely calm heist

‘Unfortunately on this occasion a signature was requested/required so that is also being followed up,’ she wrote. 

With the video shared more than 750 times and viewed by over 25,000 people, commenters were confident someone would recognise the ‘low life scum’.

Other speculated she had donned a fake head of hair and a large pair of sunglasses in an attempt to disguise herself.

‘She has a lovely suntan and dyed red hair….,’ someone wrote. 

Another adding, ‘I know that red hair is fake.’ 

In a statement to Daily Mail Australia, Western Australia Police confirmed the matter had been reported and was under investigation. 

With the video shared more than 750 times and viewed over 25,000, commenters were confident someone would recognise the 'low life scum'

With the video shared more than 750 times and viewed over 25,000, commenters were confident someone would recognise the ‘low life scum’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk