Dashcam footage has been released of the moment a South Carolina woman begged police not to send her to prison because she’s a ‘pretty girl’ before going on to describe herself as a ‘thoroughbred’ and ‘white’.
Police said Lauren Elizabeth Cutshaw, 32, had glassy, bloodshot eyes and was slurring her words when they pulled her over in Bluffton on Saturday after spotting her speeding through a stop sign at 60 mph.
A Breathalyzer showed her blood-alcohol level at 0.18 percent, according to police.
The dashcam recorded Cutshaw begging the officer not to send her to prison because she was a cheerleader, a dancer and a sorority girl who had graduated from a ‘high accredited university.’
Lauren Elizabeth Cutshaw, 32, begged police not to send her to prison because she’s a ‘pretty girl’ when she was stopped in Bluffton, South Carolina on Saturday night
‘Please, I don’t want to know what it’s like,’ Cutshaw sobbed from the patrol car. ‘I’m a pretty girl. Don’t make me go in there.’
She went on to tell the officer that she had never been in trouble with the law before and that an arrest would ‘ruin her career’.

Cutshaw, 32, was jailed on charges including drunken driving, speeding and marijuana possession
Taken to the police station in handcuffs, she later described herself as a white ‘thoroughbred’ and ‘went on to say ‘I’m a white, clean girl,” the officer wrote in his arrest report.
‘I asked what that had to do with anything?’ the officer, who also is white, wrote.
She replied: ‘You’re a cop, you should know what that means,’ and, ‘You’re a cop, you should know based on the people that come in this room.’
The officer said Cutshaw repeatedly said that her partner was a policeman and that she’d been trying to get to his house when she was pulled over early Saturday.
Cutshaw, a real estate agent, told the officer that she’d only had two glasses of wine at an upscale restaurant.
When the officers asked the woman to specify how full were the glasses, Cutshaw, who turns 33 on Thursday, replied: ‘I mean, I was celebrating my birthday.’

Police said Cutshaw had glassy, bloodshot eyes and was slurring her words when they pulled her over in Bluffton on Saturday after spotting her speeding through a stop sign at 60 mph

According to her LinkedIn page, Custhaw has a Bachelor’s degree in business administration from Louisiana State University, where she was philanthropy chairman at Delta Zeta sorority
After another officer found marijuana and rolling papers in her Ford Fusion, she said she ‘may have’ smoked pot earlier that evening as well, her arrest report said.
Cutshaw was jailed on charges including drunken driving, speeding and marijuana possession.
According to her LinkedIn page, Custhaw has a Bachelor’s degree in business administration from Louisiana State University, where she was philanthropy chairman at Delta Zeta sorority.
The networking site indicates that Cutshaw was hired in June as a real estate adviser with Engel & Volkers Hilton Head- Bluffton. As of Tuesday, her name was no longer listed on the company’s site.
Messages left at the real estate firm she lists as her employer were not immediately returned.