Woman’s family sue LAPD cop for fondling her after she’d died

PICTURED: Mother, 34, who had her ‘breast fondled by LAPD cop AFTER she’d died’ as her family sues

  • Elizabeth Baggett, 34, died unexpectedly in her home in L.A. last October 
  • No details have been revealed about the cause or manner of her death 
  • Cop David Rojas was among those called to her apartment afterwards 
  • He is accused of turning off his bodycam to grope Baggett’s breast 
  • The camera kept rolling for two minutes after it was switched off and Rojas’ bosses allegedly saw the footage later
  • Now, Baggett’s family are suing Rojas and others who viewed the footage 
  • Rojas has been charged with sexual contact with human remains without authority
  • He pleaded not guilty in January, before the pandemic rocked the court system, and is now waiting for his next court date  

The woman who had her breast fondled by an LAPD officer after she had died last year has been identified by her family who are now suing over the incident. 

Elizabeth Baggett, 34, died in her home in Los Angeles last October. It’s unclear how she died, but officer David Rojas was among cops who responded to her apartment. 

When his partner left the room, Rojas turned his bodycam off. He was unaware that the devices continue recording for two minutes after being switched off and, according to prosecutors, he fondled Baggett’s breasts. 

It’s still unclear what prompted police bosses to check his bodycam footage but they did and he was fired. He pleaded not guilty to sexual contact with human remains without authority.


Cop David Rojas has been charged with

Elizabeth Baggett, 34, died in her home in Los Angeles last October. It’s unclear how she died, but officer David Rojas was among cops who responded to her apartment. He is accused of turning off his bodycam to grope her breast 

Now, Elizabeth’s family are suing Rojas and other employees in the LAPD who viewed the bodycam footage. 

Elizabeth's family have not revealed how she died but they said it was unexpected

Elizabeth’s family have not revealed how she died but they said it was unexpected 

They are alleging invasion of privacy and that the people who viewed the video, along with Rojas, inflicted emotional distress on them. 

At a press conference in Los Angeles on Tuesday Baggett’s mother Janet said her daughter, who was an artist, was ‘full of life’. 

She did not give any details of her daughter’s death. Elizabeth is also survived by her 15-year-old son, Preston.

Lawyer Gloria Allred, who is representing the family, read a statement from Preston.

He said he grew up wanting to become a police officer but that now he had lost faith.  

‘My trust in the police to do the right thing has been violated. That was my mother.  

Baggett's mother Janet is now suing Rojas and other cops. She is being represented by Gloria Allred

Baggett's mother Janet is now suing Rojas and other cops. She is being represented by Gloria Allred

Baggett’s mother Janet (left) is now suing Rojas and other cops. She is being represented by Gloria Allred 

‘[Rojas’] behavior was vile. He does not deserve to be a police officer,’ he said. 

In a statement, Allred said: ‘The unexpected loss of Elizabeth has been devastating for this family, and learning that she and her remains have been so disrespected and violated has compounded the loss and inflicted horrific pain and suffering on her loved ones. 

‘Learning, too, that the video of her alleged sexual molestation has been viewed by others sickens them and is deeply disturbing.

‘So many woman are sexually abused during their lifetime, and now we learn that some are even sexually victimized after their deaths.

‘To add insult to injury, the knowledge that a police officer, during the course of his investigation of the death of a young woman, would take advantage of his position of power and trust to allegedly sexually abuse the body of a deceased person is very upsetting. 

‘It is not only against the law, but it is also against all sense of human decency.’

Elizabeth's mother described her as 'full of life'. She is survived by her 15-year-old son Preston

Elizabeth’s mother described her as ‘full of life’. She is survived by her 15-year-old son Preston

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk