Wild moment an all-in brawl breaks out at a packed Woolworths as a shopper is pushed up against a meat counter and punched in the head
- A brawl broke out in Woolworths
- Shoppers watched on awestruck
- One man was punched in the head
The moment a violent brawl broke out in Woolworths has been captured by a helpless shopper who had just grabbed themselves a toothbrush.
Video of the fight shows a group of half a dozen men duking it out next to the meat section of the deli at a New South Wales store while dozens of shoppers watch on.
Two workers stood by helplessly as the violence erupted, with one seemingly reporting the incident on her phone.
But the clip was cut short when the customer filming was spotted by another Woolworths employee who quickly swatted the camera away.
Footage shows a group of half a dozen men duking it out next to the meat section of the deli at an unspecified store while dozens of shoppers watch on

The short snippet ends when the person filming gets spotted by one of the two workers looking on, who quickly swats the camera away
The footage, taken by a shopper with a single toothbrush on their trolley, show a crowd of customers struggling to get a better view of the conflict.
A group of men is already well into the fight as another with a red jacket rushes in from the left, immediately launching a flurry of punches towards someone’s head.
In the middle of it all, a worker accidentally bumps the man who is filming before she turns around and notices his camera.
Commenters on the video seem puzzled about what exactly may have caused the fight, with one suggesting that it might’ve been a contest over the last roast chicken.
‘Middle aged men fighting what looks like teenagers how brave,’ a second said.
Woolworths has confirmed that they are aware of the incident and that it has been reported to police.
Read more at DailyMail.co.uk