Bree Tomasel $5 babysitting hack to keep kids busy holiday

For many parents, the school holidays can sometimes be a bit tedious when they run out of ideas to keep their children entertained.

But a Brisbane woman has found a clever solution.

Bree Tomasel has been praised for her ingenuity after she shared a $5 babysitting hack that enables parents to keep the kids busy over the summer break.

All you need is a $5 note and a wall – and you can still fit in time to enjoy a drink too.

Bree Tomasel, from Brisbane, has been praised for her ingenuity after she shared a $5 babysitting hack that enables parents to keep the kids busy over the summer break

Sharing the hilarious footage on Facebook, Ms Tomasel said she decided to play a little game with the two children she was ‘babysitting’.

‘Do you guys want to win $5? Do you want to play the $5 game? You’re both in?’ she said as the excited children responded ‘yes’.

She gets the children to place the $5 between their foreheads and the wall – and whoever stands the longest without dropping the note, wins.

As the two children leaned their heads against the wall, Ms Tomasel explained the rules of the game.

‘Now, the first person to touch it with your hands or drop it, doesn’t win the money, okay? So don’t move,’ she said.

‘Because whoever keeps it there the longest, will win the $5 note.’

As the two children focused on winning the game, Ms Tomasel enjoyed a cheeky beverage

Standing quietly with their faces pointed at the wall, Ms Tomasel checks up on the children to see how they are going.

‘You’re going well?’ she asked, to which the little girl responded ‘yes’.

Ms Tomasel continued asking how the children are going: ‘Is your head getting sore?’ to which they replied ‘no’.

Around 10 minutes into the game, Ms Tomasel can be seen enjoying an alcohol beverage as she yelled: ‘Just keep going! Someone’s going to win.

‘I’ve already won,’ she added, as she took a swig of her apple cider.

As the ‘babysitter’ counts down to the end of the game, the children were all smiles until Ms Tomasel joked: ‘Alright give [$5] back. I’m just kidding, you get to keep it.’

She then asked the children if it was worth the wait, to which the children responded: ‘yes.’

She gets the children to place the $5 note between their foreheads and the wall - and whoever stands the longest without dropping the note, wins 

She gets the children to place the $5 note between their foreheads and the wall – and whoever stands the longest without dropping the note, wins 

Speaking to Daily Mail Australia, Ms Tomasel said the footage was all for a laugh after the game was played during a family Christmas dinner.

‘I wasn’t actually babysitting it,’ she explained.

‘It was at a Christmas dinner and it was a joke. I think anyone who knew the entire context of the video would see that.

‘The kids were faced on the wall for about 10 minutes – not very long and they were supervised the entire time.’

Ms Tomasel said her video was met with positive responses – but she started recieving backlash after the footage emerged on other third party pages.

‘The reaction [on my page] was amazing, a lot of comments from parents and people saying that it was genius,’ she said.

Ms Tomasel said the footage was all for a laugh after the game was played during a family Christmas dinner. The kids were supervised during the  game, which lasted only 10 minutes

Ms Tomasel said the footage was all for a laugh after the game was played during a family Christmas dinner. The kids were supervised during the game, which lasted only 10 minutes

‘After being posted to other third party pages I’ve copped a bit of flack saying that it was child abuse and harmful to the kids which I think is actually disrespectful to people who have actually been through something horrible.

‘I think people these days look for something to be upset about and the internet can be a dark place.

‘But I’m just looking to create a bit of light and laughter in this dark world we live in today.’

Ms Tomasel, who has more than 200,000 Facebook followers, has been known for producing hilarious videos for her social media page.

‘I love to make people laugh,’ she said. 

‘It’s a gift to have a platform to be able to do that. Don’t believe everything you see on the internet and don’t take everything so seriously because a lot of the time you don’t know the full context and just learn to have a bit of a laugh.

‘Life is already too serious.’