High school student launches search for handsome stranger

It is a story worthy of a Hollywood rom-com.

An American teenager on a school trip to Paris meets a handsome stranger on top of the Eiffel Tower and they share a romantic kiss before parting ways.

Moments later the love-struck girl realises that she felt a connection with this mystery man, but it’s too late – he’s disappeared into the crowd of tourists. The only details she has is his home state, Texas, and his first name – Gavin.  

Desperate, she takes to Twitter to try and find him and, with the help of thousands of fellow social media users, tracks him down just days later.

Only this isn’t the plot of a film, this is the story of Juliana Corrales, of Chino Hills, California, who launched the worldwide search for the mysterious Gavin this week.


Romantic moment: Juliana Corrales kissed stranger Gavin on top of the Eiffel Tower last week

Romantic moment: Juliana Corrales kissed stranger Gavin on top of the Eiffel Tower last week

Teenage dream: Juliana had longed to kiss someone at the landmark and was delighted when Gavin agreed to help her dream come true. Her friends filmed the romantic moment, above

Desperate search: Juliana took to Twitter on Sunday to try and track down the mystery man 

Desperate search: Juliana took to Twitter on Sunday to try and track down the mystery man 

And it doesn’t have the happy ending followers were hoped to read. For it turns out the ‘gorgeous’ Gavin might actually have a girlfriend. 

The romantic saga has kept thousands of people gripped as it played out on Twitter over the last 24 hours. 

It started when Juliana shared a video of her kissing Gavin in Paris over the weekend, along with the post: ‘Kissed this great guy on the top of the Eiffel Tower, biggest regret is that I didn’t get his number, Twitter can ya help a girl out?’

The post took hold on the social network and has since been shared 18,000 times and viewed more than 1million times. 

Overwhelmed: Juliana, pictured, could not believed the report she received on Twitter

Overwhelmed: Juliana, pictured, could not believed the report she received on Twitter



Unfolding drama: The teenager revealed how the kiss had occurred in a string of tweets

Unfolding drama: The teenager revealed how the kiss had occurred in a string of tweets

Responding to widespread interest, Juliana later explained that she had a dream of kissing someone on top of the Eiffel Tower, and did everything in her power to make it happen when she visited Paris on a school trip. 

She wrote: ‘I went on a school trip to Paris for 12 days with my 3 best friends, ever since my amazing parents surprised me with the news, I made a pact with myself that I would kiss someone on the Eiffel Tower.

‘So it was the final day of the trip, the 6th of January, and we were on the top of the Eiffel Tower, and I was looking for someone to kiss. Unfortunately there wasn’t many options because there was no one my age who didn’t come with their girlfriend.

Captivating: The story gripped Twitter followers who launched a search for Gavin

Captivating: The story gripped Twitter followers who launched a search for Gavin

‘But luckily my friend saw Gavin and we followed him around the top level and she tapped on his shoulder and then backed away to let me speak. Somehow I managed to make concise sentences and I asked him if he wouldn’t mind kissing me.I explained to him about my pact , and to my dismay he actually agreed to kiss me

‘So we kiss and it was pretty cool and my friends were all cheering and we were all laughing, and then his mom yells “ that’s my son, kiss again so I can get a picture” and of course I happily oblige because he is GORGEOUS and then we kissed again.’

It was only after the romantic moment that Juliana realised she had no way of contacting Gavin and took to Twitter to ask for help. 

Support: Women around the world urged Juliana to find Gavin and offered their help

Support: Women around the world urged Juliana to find Gavin and offered their help

Kind-hearted well-wishers from around the world sprung into action, trawling Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to track down Juliana’s Gavin. 

However they were heartbroken when it emerged that he might have a girlfriend, with dozens sharing posts about their disappointment. 

Despite the initial excitement, Juliana took the plot twist in her stride and thanked Twitter for their kindness, adding: ‘So I saw that u guys found Gavin hahah and whether he has a girlfriend or not, I would just like to thank everyone for finding him and being so supportive. If you guys wouldn’t mind please to not bother him or his mom, I would hate to disrupt their lives too much.’

Heartbreaking end: But it eventually emerged the mystery man might have a girlfriend

Heartbreaking end: But it eventually emerged the mystery man might have a girlfriend

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk