Video shows Russia’s brutal ‘baiting stations’

Shocking images of caged and chained wild animals being used to train hunting dogs in Russia have emerged as the country’s legislators rejected a ban on such cruelty.

After a ban was voted through in Parliament, Russia’s upper house rejected the bill, with one senator saying that banning baiting stations would be like giving rights to the LGBT community.

Video shows how chained bears are being taunted by dogs, while foxes, tethered and muzzled to prevent them biting back, are viciously attacked in ‘sickening’ footage.


Horrific: A hunting dog bites a chained bear during a training session in Yakutia, Russia

The films were made at so-called ‘baiting stations’ in Russia, used to train hunting dogs.

The hounds are taught to confront wild animals which cannot properly fight back — but critics say the practice involves gratuitous and needless cruelty and torture.

In one case, two angry young dogs confront and bite a tied and defenceless fox with its muzzle taped.

Trainer Tatiana Mazunova stated this was their ‘first meeting with a beast – the puppies are three and a half months old’.

In another video, a petrified fox – also tethered with its mouth taped – leaps in the air to try and flee the vicious attacking dog after receiving repeated bites.

Training: A bear has been chained to a zipline so that the dog can be trained in how to hunt and contain the animal for the hunter to then shoot it

Training: A bear has been chained to a zipline so that the dog can be trained in how to hunt and contain the animal for the hunter to then shoot it

Attack: Dachshunds are seen with a raccoon at one of the biting stations

Attack: Dachshunds are seen with a raccoon at one of the biting stations

Separately, two videos highlight attacks by Jagdterriers on helpless badgers in a pen.

A crowd of bystanders laugh as a trainer grabs an exhausted badger’s tail, and shakes the terrified creature, to make the dog think it is posing more of a challenge.

Wolves, boars and racoons are also used in baiting stations, of which there are some 200 across Russia.

Annual contests are even held to assess the skills of dogs in confronting brown bears or other creatures which have a limited ability to lash out because they are chained.

Animal rights group Zoo Defence released disturbing footage and images as Russia’s upper house of parliament vetoed attempts to ban baiting following an outcry from hunters and dog trainers.

‘In these videos you can see jagdterriers, fox terriers and husky dogs tearing to pieces foxes with tied muzzles and badgers,’ they complained.

Mazunova – pictured in a red top – is heard shouting ‘Bravo’, ‘Well done’, and ‘Great work’ – as her dogs go on the attack against the helpless animals in ‘sickening footage’.

‘A jagdterrier is attacking a badger and we hear heart-rending shouts from the tortured animal and once again her female voice is there – ‘He won’t kill it! It’s ok, it’s ok, let him work!’

‘And these are not just single occasions, it is a working system.’

Criticised: Critics say the practice of baiting stations using caged and chained wild animals involves gratuitous and needless cruelty and torture

Criticised: Critics say the practice of baiting stations using caged and chained wild animals involves gratuitous and needless cruelty and torture

Untrained: A young Jagdterrier is being trained at hunting foxes in their lairs, but instead of chasing the animal out, it has attacked

Untrained: A young Jagdterrier is being trained at hunting foxes in their lairs, but instead of chasing the animal out, it has attacked

The hounds are taught to confront wild animals which cannot properly fight back

The hounds are taught to confront wild animals which cannot properly fight back

The proposed new laws would force owners to install a mesh or glass fence to prevent physical contact between wild animals and dogs

The proposed new laws would force owners to install a mesh or glass fence to prevent physical contact between wild animals and dogs

Dogs are trained to bite the necks of foxes or corner wild animals in preparation for use as working animals during hunting trips.

A protest is due to be held in Moscow on Sunday led by animal rights group VITA to demand curbs are enacted.

Owners of baiting stations claimed the draft legislation would destroy traditional methods of training hunting dogs in regions such as Siberia.

The laws would force owners to install a mesh or glass fence to prevent physical contact between wild animals and dogs.

The Russian parliament passed a law banning baiting in December, with 408 deputies in favour and only five against or abstaining.

However, the Russian upper house, the Federation Council, send the draft law back, refusing to ratify it.

Incredibly one senator even compared the measure to the extension of LGBT rights in the West.

Sergey Kalashnikov said: ‘We take with humour many trends that are now popular in the West – such as political correctness, the rights of sexual minorities and others.

‘This law leads us along the same path.’

Branding the curbs ‘absurd’ and ‘unworkable’ he complained: ‘We would just show that we are following the same trend, so to say, as guarding the rights of sexual minorities, and similar laws.’

A new bid is likely to force through the laws, with parliament speaker Vyacheslav Volodin stressing Vladimir Putin backed measures to crackdown on animal cruelty.

‘A situation in which animal abuse is encouraged is unacceptable for us,’ he said.

‘We have the support of the president in this matter.’

This has led to protests by hunters in Moscow, St Petersburg and Siberia, demanding the baiting is allowed to continue.

Campaigners have tried to ban the baiting stations and a bill was voted through Parliement, but stopped in Russia's upper house

Campaigners have tried to ban the baiting stations and a bill was voted through Parliement, but stopped in Russia’s upper house

Owners of baiting stations claimed the draft legislation would destroy traditional methods of training hunting dogs in regions such as Siberia

Owners of baiting stations claimed the draft legislation would destroy traditional methods of training hunting dogs in regions such as Siberia

Surrounded: A chained bear is being contained by hunting dogs

Surrounded: A chained bear is being contained by hunting dogs

Untruths: Hunters argue that dogs can only be taught at baiting stations

Untruths: Hunters argue that dogs can only be taught at baiting stations

‘A dog can only be taught at a baiting station,’ said hunters’ leader Zakira Ivanova, from the Siberian region of Yakutia.

‘Working with a mesh or glass fence would never allow a dog to understand how to hunt.

‘We stand with hunters all around Russia for correct hunting and traditional dog breeding.

‘Every hunter is a defender of forest and nature, and a correctly trained dog is a guarantee of success and safety.’

Yelena Gorbunova, head of the Women’s Hunting Club, said:

‘Baiting stations train dogs regardless of the season, they work primarily for the benefit of wild animals.

‘A badly trained dog might not only spoil hunting, but let a wounded animal go, making it suffer for days.

‘During training, contact between wild animals and dogs occurs under control, so that they don’t injure each other.

‘Medical help is given instantly in case of emergency, and wild animals are the priority in receiving it.

‘Wild animals are kept in very good conditions, they are well fed, they receive timely vaccinations.’

She claimed that use of wild animals to train dogs was ‘part of human history’ that went back ‘to the beginning of hunting’, reported The Siberian Times. 

‘I stand against a sadistic attitude to wild animals, but don’t mix an official baiting station with a bastard who keeps wild animals in his garage for the sake of fun.

‘No sane hunter would do it,’ she stressed.

If baiting stations are banned, they will go underground, she warned.