10 Best Dance Captions for Instagram

If you have recently made a dancing video and have been on the lookout for the perfect captions to go with it, you have landed on the perfect place. We are going to share with you the 10 best dance captions for Instagram that you can use on any type of dance video.

Dance allows you to convey your feelings and enthusiasm without saying a single word, which is why so many people like it. Why not share a video of yourself dancing if you have some amazing dance skills? And if you’ve created a video, why not adorn it with some amazing dance captions for Instagram?

We have some excellent dancing captions for Instagram that can enhance the appeal of your video. So go ahead and add grandeur and beauty to your Instagram post by utilizing the dance captions for Instagram provided below. ‎

1. Let us read and let us dance – two amusements that will never do any harm to the world. – Voltaire

These are not just any ordinary words. This caption comes from one of the most famous French philosophers of the 18th century Voltaire. Most people around the world consider dancing to be a bad thing or a waste of time. But the French philosopher has named two things that he says will never do any harm to the world.

The first is reading and the other is dancing. If other people criticize your dancing then you should get back at them with this caption that dancing is one of the most beautiful things in the world.

2. Dance is a conversation between Body & Soul

This is another beautiful caption that you can use in your dancing video. This caption brings a sort of spirituality to your dancing. It states that dancing is a combination of both your body and soul. If you don’t put your soul into your dancing you won’t be able to dance properly.

3. Darling, don’t ever be too shy to dance your heart out

If you are at a function and you are dancing away without a care in the world then you can use this caption for such a dance video. To some people dancing is everything. If you feel shy while dancing you will not be able to perform your moves properly. This caption urges you not to care about what other people think of your dance moves. Just let it all out there on the dance floor.

4. Dance is cheaper than therapy

This is another great caption for dance lovers. It often happens in our lives that we find ourselves consumed in everyday struggles. We are always on the lookout for a way to release all the negative energy resulting from these struggles that have made their home inside us. If you know how to dance, you do not need any other form of therapy. Dancing can prove to be the best therapy that you can have.

5. Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…it’s about learning to dance in the rain

This caption has both literal and figurative meanings. If we go for literal meaning then it implies that when there is a storm and it is raining heavily you should not wait for the storm to pass. Instead, you should go out there in the rain and enjoy yourself.

Figuratively this caption means that you will face tough times throughout your life but it doesn’t mean that you should stop enjoying yourself. Tough time will come and go but you should not miss any opportunity of being happy and doing what you want to do – in this case dance.

6. Dance enables you to find yourself and lose yourself at the same time

This is another great caption for dance enthusiasts. Many people, when they are troubled by the harsh realities of their lives start dancing to get away from those troubles and to feel good again. When we lose ourselves in the things that we love, it is only then that we can truly find ourselves. So dance your troubles away and get back on track.

7. Dancers don’t need wings to fly

This caption signifies the beauty of dance. It is comparing the moves of a dancer to the flapping wings of a bird. When a person is dancing it feels like he/she is flying in the wind. This caption will be perfect for the dancing video that you want to upload on Instagram Facebook or any other social media app.

8. When you dance, you can enjoy the luxury of being you

Most of our lives revolve around the fulfillment of basic amenities of our lives and in doing so we forget the little things that make us happy and dancing is one of them. If you have not been able to make time for yourself lately you should take the time out to dance because it will make you feel whole and you will start love enjoying your life again.

9. The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance

This caption summarizes our whole lives, the struggles we go through, and the changes that are going to happen, no matter what we do. So instead of getting stuck in the same place, we should not fear the change. We should join the dance and see what happens at the end of it because if you would not take a chance you would not get anywhere in life.

10. Dance is music made visible

In this caption, dance has been described as a form of art. Music is something that we can only listen to but dance is what we can visualize before our very eyes. If you want to truly enjoy it, you should dance more often because this is a practical thing and it will make you feel good.


Hopefully, you would have found the best caption that you wanted for the dance video you have been trying to upload on Instagram. Don’t be shy of dancing, it is a form of art that gives you aesthetic pleasure.

Dance is a way for a person to communicate his or her inner feelings, ideas, and experiences. It is a natural form of self-expression since the body expresses itself naturally. Regardless of our unique circumstances, we are all free-willed creatures. Our bodies show how free they are via dance.

Whenever you dance, don’t forget to make a video of your dancing so that you can share it with your friends and followers. And when you decide to post that video online, visit this link and take the best caption that suits your video. It will add more beauty to your dancing and will make your video stand out.