100 people reveal the ‘red flags’ they’ve encountered in their relationships  

The end of a romantic relationship often comes with many things: heartbreak, anger, even relief. But with the passing of a failed coupling always presents the opportunity to learn some lessons and reflect on the ‘red flags’ that you may have missed while in the midst of passion. 

Now, 100 people are helping others to gain some invaluable knowledge about the do’s and don’ts of love – sharing the ‘red flags’ that they encountered in their own past relationships in an effort to guide other people on what to avoid.  

As apart of its ‘Keep it 100’ series, Cut.com – which is a digital outlet that ‘spreads stories for fun, for serious, and for real’ – interviewed 100 people and asked them what they are wary of while dating. 

From having ‘no bed frame’ and gaslighting to pictures of men holding ‘fish’, they detailed the signs you’re relationship may be going downhill. 

The interview begins with the simple, yet complex question, ‘What are your red flags in dating?’

As apart of its ‘Keep it 100’ series, Cut interviewed 100 people and asked them what they are weary of while dating

One man said he refused to date a woman 'if she's slept with my friends', while others detailed even more red flags to watch out for

One man said he refused to date a woman ‘if she’s slept with my friends’, while others detailed even more red flags to watch out for 

Others were quick to point to basic red flags such as 'prejudice'

Others were quick to point to basic red flags such as 'prejudice'

Others were quick to point to basic red flags such as ‘prejudice’, ‘racism’, ‘ bad hygiene’, ‘disrespect’ and more specifically, being ‘rude to wait staff’

‘Oh there’s just so many,’ responded one person.  

Others were quick to point to basic red flags such as ‘prejudice’, ‘racism’, ‘ bad hygiene’, ‘disrespect’ and more specifically, being ‘rude to wait staff.’ 

And while many red flags seemed to be universal among the group, a couple did stand out from the crowd and offered up a few warning signs you would never think to look for. 

‘No bed frame,’ said one woman. 

While another claimed her red flag was ‘shirtless pictures of men on dating apps’, and one woman revealed she couldn’t stand pictures of men holding ‘fish.’ 

Other responses seemed to be more about personal preference than dating in general as one man said he would never date a woman ‘if she’s slept with my friends. 

‘Long acrylics’, ‘fake eyelashes’,  ‘bad tattoos’ and ‘no sense of style’ seemed to be the most superficial red flags few in the group spewed out. 

And while many red flags seemed to be universal among the group of people, one woman stood out from the crowd and revealed her red flag was when a man has 'no bed frame'

And while many red flags seemed to be universal among the group of people, one woman stood out from the crowd and revealed her red flag was when a man has ‘no bed frame’

Gaslighting was a common response among the group as it seemed as though many of them had experienced it for themselves

Gaslighting was a common response among the group as it seemed as though many of them had experienced it for themselves

Another claimed her red flag was 'shirtless pictures of men on dating apps', and one woman revealed she couldn't stand pictures of men holding 'fish'

Another claimed her red flag was ‘shirtless pictures of men on dating apps’, and one woman revealed she couldn’t stand pictures of men holding ‘fish’

The group continued to try to warn viewers of red flags to watch out for while dating and noted that you should be weary of 'moody' people, those who 'litter' and 'dishonest' people

The group continued to try to warn viewers of red flags to watch out for while dating and noted that you should be weary of ‘moody’ people, those who ‘litter’ and ‘dishonest’ people

The group continued to try to warn viewers of red flags to watch out for while dating and noted that you should be weary of ‘moody’ people, those who ‘litter’, ‘dishonest’ people and those who ‘gaslight.’ 

Gaslighting was a common response among the group as it seemed as though many of them had experienced it for themselves. 

Gaslighting is a form of manipulation used by abusers who are attempting to gain control by sowing self-doubt and confusion in the victim’s mind. 

And while many of the red flags taught you what you should be on the look out for, they also revealed what you shouldn’t be doing while dating – including ‘not responding’ and being ‘dodgy’. 

Other red flags the group warned of included people who are ‘full of themselves’, those who take things ‘too seriously’, ‘overly share’ and ‘clingy’ people. 

The group then began to spew out their own red flags

The group then began to spew out their own red flags

When Cut turned the tables and questioned the group as to why they couldn’t land a date or stay in a relationship, they began to spew out their own red flags

From 'overthinking' and being 'insecure',  many people detailed what they should be working on

From 'overthinking' and being 'insecure',  many people detailed what they should be working on

From ‘overthinking’ and being ‘insecure’ to becoming ‘too angry’ and refusing to ‘commit’, many people detailed what they should be working on

The video helped viewers either land a date or know when to run

The video helped viewers either land a date or know when to run

The video gave viewers a look into what many think of while dating, helping you either land a date or know when to run

And unsurprisingly considering the group was interviewed just two prior to the midterm elections, many noted that political views play a large role in their dating life and they wouldn’t date anyone with differing beliefs, with most people adding that they wouldn’t date ‘conservatives.’ 

And while the group of 100 people spewed out plenty of responses for red flags found in others, when Cut turned the tables and questioned the group as to why they couldn’t land a date or stay in a relationship, they began to spill their own red flags. 

From ‘overthinking’ and being ‘insecure’ to becoming ‘too angry’ and refusing to ‘commit’, many people detailed what they should be working on. 

The video gave viewers a look into what many think of while dating, helping you either land a date or know when to run. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk