11,000 homes across England have stood empty for ten years

Over 11,000 homes across England have stood empty for more than ten years despite the housing crisis and rising homelessness, new research shows. 

Figures were collected by the Liberal Democrats through freedom of information requests to from 275 councils. 

They revealed how 60,000 properties have been empty for two years or more, 23,000 for five years or more, and a total of 216,000 homes across the country have been empty for six months.    

These are shocking figures compared to the amount of homeless people in the country.

Over 11,000 homes across England have stood empty for more than ten years, according to new research by the Liberal Democrats

More than 9,000 people are sleeping rough on the streets, a number that has increased 134 per cent in the past six years, a report by MPs found.  

The Public Accounts Committee also warned that over 78,000 households are living in temporary accommodation. This number has increased by 60 per cent since 2010.

Vince Cable, leader of the Liberal Democrats (pictured), said it is a 'scandal' that homes are empty whilst the homelessness crisis is worsening. 

Vince Cable, leader of the Liberal Democrats (pictured), said it is a ‘scandal’ that homes are empty whilst the homelessness crisis is worsening. 

Vince Cable, leader of the Liberal Democrats told the Guardian: ‘At a time when the homelessness crisis is worsening and more and more people are sleeping out in the cold on our streets, it is a national scandal that thousands of homes across the country are sitting empty.’ 

The party have now called for the reform of empty dwelling management orders (EDMOs) to be able to bring the unused houses back into use for the homeless. 

These are powers that can be used by local authorities to take over properties that have been empty for at least six months.

Only 19 of the 247 councils in England and Wales that responded had used an EDMO in the past five years.

Mr Cable called for the EDMO reform and said: ‘These homes could be turned into affordable places to live for some of the most vulnerable people in our society. The government needs to urgently review the current system which is clearly not working.

The party have now called for the reform of empty dwelling management orders (EDMOs) to be able to bring the unused houses back into use for the homeless

The party have now called for the reform of empty dwelling management orders (EDMOs) to be able to bring the unused houses back into use for the homeless

‘The government needs to urgently review the current system which is clearly not working.

‘Councils need to be given the powers and resources to bring empty homes back into use.’  

MPs have made a series of recommendations to the Government, including calls for a strategy by mid-June 2018 on how homelessness can be reduced.

Lord John Bird, founder of The Big Issue magazine, said: ‘The people we see sleeping rough and living on our streets represent the mere tip of the iceberg.

‘The fact that the “hidden homeless” aren’t even included in the final figures show the extent of the problem.’  

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