200,000 people snap up tickets to see new Da Vnici exhibition

Nearly 200,000 people have already reserved their place in line for a new Leonardo Da Vinci exhibition at the Louvre museum which opens Thursday even though two of the master painter’s works will be missing. 

Both the Mona Lisa and the Salvator Mundi will be absent from the exhibition to mark 500 years since the death of the Renaissance master.   

A decade in the planning, the show simply titled ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ groups 162 works, including 24 drawings loaned by Queen Elizabeth II of Britain from the Royal Collection. 

The British Museum, the Hermitage of Saint Petersburg and the Vatican have also contributed, as well as, of course, Italy – after a sometimes acrimonious tug-of-war between Rome and Paris over the loans.   

A visitor takes a picture of the painting entitled ‘Saint Anne, The and Jesus Child with a Lamb’ by Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo Da Vinci during an exhibition at the Louvre Museum in Paris, France, 22 October 2019 

A visitor looks at a portrait of Italian artist Leonardo Da Vinci by Francesco Melzi displayed in an exhibition at the Louvre Museum

A visitor looks at a portrait of Italian artist Leonardo Da Vinci by Francesco Melzi displayed in an exhibition at the Louvre Museum

Visitors look at the painting entitled 'The Virgin with a Child and Saint John the Baptist' by Da Vinci

Visitors look at the painting entitled ‘The Virgin with a Child and Saint John the Baptist’ by Da Vinci

Organisers decided the world’s most famous painting should remain in the Louvre’s Salle des Etats – its normal home – to help avoid overcrowding. 

As it is, the masterpiece attracts nearly 30,000 people a day. 

The Mona Lisa’s ineffable smile will however beguile visitors in a virtual reality experience at the end of the Leonardo show, which runs until February 24.

An outside view of the Louvre museum in Paris, France, as it prepares to welcome 220,000 guests this Thursday

An outside view of the Louvre museum in Paris, France, as it prepares to welcome 220,000 guests this Thursday 

Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo Da Vinci's drawing book is displayed during an exhibition at the Louvre Museum

Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo Da Vinci’s drawing book is displayed during an exhibition at the Louvre Museum

French chief curator for the Louvre's 16th century Italian paintings, Vincent Delieuvin speaks to medias in front of the painting entitled 'Portrait of an unknown woman, aka La Belle Ferronniere'

French chief curator for the Louvre’s 16th century Italian paintings, Vincent Delieuvin speaks to medias in front of the painting entitled ‘Portrait of an unknown woman, aka La Belle Ferronniere’

The other notable no-show is the Salvator Mundi, the work that became the most expensive painting ever sold when it fetched £347,000 at a Christie’s auction in 2017. 

Mystery now surrounds the painting – whose authenticity is disputed by some experts – as it has not been seen in public ever since the stunning sale. 

Officially, it was to be displayed at the Louvre Abu Dhabi but an unveiling set for September 2018 was inexplicably postponed. 

The Louvre said the museum’s request to borrow the work is still pending.  

The exhibition in the Hall Napoleon features 11 of the 20 paintings definitively attributed to the Renaissance master, as well as drawings, manuscripts, sculptures and other objets d’art. 

A detail view of the drawing entitled 'The Virgin with the Child's study. Organisers decided the world's most famous painting, the Mona Lisa,  should remain in the Louvre's Salle des Etats - its normal home - to help avoid overcrowding.

A detail view of the drawing entitled ‘The Virgin with the Child’s study. Organisers decided the world’s most famous painting, the Mona Lisa,  should remain in the Louvre’s Salle des Etats – its normal home – to help avoid overcrowding.

A view of a painting entitled 'Leda.' The show walks the visitor through the timeline of the master's peripatetic life

A view of a painting entitled ‘Leda.’ The show walks the visitor through the timeline of the master’s peripatetic life

A visitor looks at an infrared reflectography of the painting 'Mona Lisa.' The world's most famous painting is just a corridor away from the exhibition as they decided it would be best to keep it in the same place that sees it attract 30,000 guests each day

A visitor looks at an infrared reflectography of the painting ‘Mona Lisa.’ The world’s most famous painting is just a corridor away from the exhibition as they decided it would be best to keep it in the same place that sees it attract 30,000 guests each day

The show walks the visitor through the timeline of the master’s peripatetic life under the tutelage of dukes, princes and kings, from Florence to Milan, Venice and Rome, and finally France, where he spent the last three years of his life. 

 The final act in the row between Paris and Rome over Italy’s contributions to the show came with a last-minute legal effort to halt the loan of the iconic Vitruvian Man drawing. 

Last week an Italian court rejected a bid by an association advocating for the protection of Italy’s heritage – Italia Nostra (Our Italy) – to halt the loan of the work dating from the late 15th century, arguing that it was too fragile to travel. 

People take pictures of the drawing entitled 'The Vitruve Man' - The final act in the row between Paris and Rome over Italy's contributions to the show came with a last-minute legal effort to halt the loan of the iconic Vitruvian Man drawing

People take pictures of the drawing entitled ‘The Vitruve Man’ – The final act in the row between Paris and Rome over Italy’s contributions to the show came with a last-minute legal effort to halt the loan of the iconic Vitruvian Man drawing

A visitor takes a picture of the painting entitled 'The Virgin with a Child and Saint John the Baptist' by Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo Da Vinci during an exhibition at the Louvre Museum in Paris, France

A visitor takes a picture of the painting entitled ‘The Virgin with a Child and Saint John the Baptist’ by Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo Da Vinci during an exhibition at the Louvre Museum in Paris, France

A visitor looks at the painting entitled 'Portrait of a young man with a music sheet, aka The Musician'

A visitor looks at the painting entitled ‘Portrait of a young man with a music sheet, aka The Musician’

A spat over Italy’s contributions to the Louvre show erupted late last year when the new populist rulers in Rome took issue with the previous government’s agreement with Paris.

Lucia Borgonzoni, the number two in Italy’s culture ministry and a member of the anti-immigration League party, argued that the accord was lopsided in favour of France. 

At the height of the row, it appeared that Italy would cancel the accord altogether. It was finally resolved with Paris pledging to loan several Raphaels to Rome next year, the quincentenary of that artist’s death. 

The sculture entitled 'Saint Thomas and the Christ' by Italian Renaissance artist Andrea del Verrochio is displayed during the exhibition

The sculture entitled ‘Saint Thomas and the Christ’ by Italian Renaissance artist Andrea del Verrochio is displayed during the exhibition

0 A visitor looks at the painting entitled 'Portrait of an unknown woman, aka La Belle Ferronniere'

0 A visitor looks at the painting entitled ‘Portrait of an unknown woman, aka La Belle Ferronniere’

The Leonardo da Vinci's painting La Gioconda (Mona Lisa) is dsiplayed at the new renovated room of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France

The Leonardo da Vinci’s painting La Gioconda (Mona Lisa) is dsiplayed at the new renovated room of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France

The Vitruvian Man – which Italian media say is insured for at least one billion euros – will join the Louvre show later this month, but only for a few weeks rather than the full four months. 

The drawing, kept in a climate-controlled vault in the Accademia Gallery in Venice, is rarely displayed to the public. 

The exhibition curated by the Louvre’s Vincent Delieuvin and Louis Frank, the heads of the museum’s painting and graphic arts departments, includes infrared reflectographs that offer an insight into the master painter’s techniques.

Journalists film the Leonardo da Vinci's painting La Gioconda (Mona Lisa), at the new renovated room of the Louvre Museum

Journalists film the Leonardo da Vinci’s painting La Gioconda (Mona Lisa), at the new renovated room of the Louvre Museum

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk