4 fantastic online learning platforms

Digital technology has revolutionised the that way we learn, with a growing number of brands providing educational content online.

To a large extent, online learning is becoming increasingly popular because it gives you the freedom and flexibility to learn whenever the mood takes you, and so can easily fit into our busy modern lifestyles.

But it’s a crowded market, with anyone and everyone claiming to be the biggest and the best. So where exactly do you start on your quest for self-improvement?

We’ll save you the hassle of trawling the search engines and reading reviews, by talking you through four of the best online learning platforms – so sit back and enjoy!

  1. YouTube

Social networking site YouTube isn’t just an entertainment platform – it’s full of informative content that can change your life for the better.

Anyone can upload a video to YouTube, which means you’ll find learning material for a diverse range of topics – just ensure that you choose a reputable teacher. Once you do, subscribe to their channel and gear up for your fun and enlightening video learning experience.

  1. Skillshare

Skillshare is an online community for creatives which offers more than 30,000 classes that fall under four categories – creative, business, technology and lifestyle.

One of the best things about Skillshare is that each class comes with a project, so you can quickly put what you’ve learned into practice. It’s available as an app too, so you can work on the go – find out more info about Skillshare on the official website.

  1. Future Learn

Future Learn offer courses across a range of categories, including business, creative arts and tech. So whatever your interests are, there’s bound to be a course that entices you.

The courses vary in length, typically lasting between six to ten weeks, and they’re free to access for their duration, plus an additional 14 days. After this time, you can pay to for extra access.

It’s a great platform to use to find out more about a topic you’re interested in, before moving on to more in-depth or formal study.

  1. Anglia Ruskin Distance Learning

Online learning is a wonderful thing and it’s even better when your efforts are rewarded with a recognised qualification. That’s exactly what you get if you study with an online educator such as Anglia Ruskin Distance Learning.

They offer a range of qualifications, including a Data Science MSc, an MBA and a Digital Marketing BSc, all of which will equip you with expert knowledge in your chosen field and help you stand out in the job market.

Plus, as you’ll be learning online, you’ll be able to work from the comfort of your home and fit study sessions around your current commitments – perfect or what?

Online learning is the present and the future, so if you’re looking for a new challenge, these four fantastic online learning platforms are well worth checking out.

What are your favourite online learning platforms? Share them in the comments section.