4 Key Steps of Guest Posting to Start With

Want to leverage the advantages of guest posting but don’t know the steps to start with? Read on and you will get an idea of what initial steps you need to follow to get started.

Guest posting is a proven method and you can take the best advantage of it for your business. You can work with professional guest blogging services to get quality blogs written for you as per your needs and publish them regularly.

Let’s have a look at the steps to start with guest posting.

Set Your Goals

Guest posting can serve you multiple benefits but you need to set a priority on which benefits are the most important for you and accordingly work on your guest posting strategy.

Like, guest posting can serve you with increased traffic, better SEO, improved page rank, increased social media followers, build authority in your niche, and more, you need to choose which is your most important benefit and give priority to it. Setting a goal will give you clear directions and you will focus on that track only to get the best guest posting results.

Find Guest Blogging Websites of Your Niche

After you set your goals and finalize what are the priorities with your guest blogging activity, you need to start finding guest blogging platforms of your niche. For this, you can search “Your Niche + Guest posting opportunities” in Google and you will get a list of different platforms accepting guest posting.

Let’s say your niche is the IT industry so you can search “IT guest posting opportunities”. You can also search with guest blogging, invite guest bloggers, guest posting, etc. Also, try related keywords for your niche too.

You can see on which websites your competitors are submitting their guest blogs, those websites will also work for you. Ask in your connections about the guest posting platforms and gather some details.

Filter out Good Guest Posting Platforms

With the above step, you will get a list of different platforms but that is not enough, you need to filter out good platforms from it. If you are getting a list of 20 platforms, you need to filter out and finalize 6-7 good websites matching your goals.

Let’s say your goal is to get more traffic. To achieve this goal, you need to submit your guest posts on a website where there is a big number of audience. If you select a website with few audiences, it won’t do any good to you.

You need to see the domain authority of every website. It has to be above 25 to get the best outcome. Websites with DA value less than 25 won’t do any good for you and might lower down your Google page ranks. There are free tools available where you can enter the website URL and it will show you the DA of that website.

Check if proper editorial standards are maintained for every guest blog and every guest blog is thoroughly evaluated or not. Proper social media promotion must be done for every post on the website. These are some of the factors that you must check for finalizing the list of guest posting platforms.

Read the guest posting guidelines mentioned on the website carefully. If you find any website that is asking for money to publish the guest posts, stay away from it.

Send a Convincing Pitch

The next step is to send a convincing pitch to the editors of the websites that you have finalized. Your pitch has to be convincing enough and it should separate you from all other pitches that they have received.

You need to include the following details in your pitch:

  1. Tell them who you are and what business you do along with website details
  2. Tell them how will your blogs add value to their website
  3. Attach sample blogs

The ultimate goal is to separate you from every other prospective guest blogger and convince the editor to accept you.

So, here was an overview of what things you need to do for starting with guest posting. This might look challenging but the rewards are worth considering.

If you think you won’t get time for this or don’t have enough resources to carry out these steps, no need to worry, you can work with professional guest post services who can help you find the relevant guest blogging platforms and write quality content as per your needs. You can closely work with them to leverage the advantages that guest posting offers and take your business and website to new heights!