A four-year-old girl from Indiana is going viral for refusing to dance during a recent outdoor recital — instead standing perfectly still while her fellow performers bust a move around her.
Charlie shot to online fame this week after an audience member shared video from the recital, calling the immobile little girl a ‘legend.’
In the clip, which has already been viewed 4.6 million times on TikTok, Charlie is all dressed up in a purple tutu and bow just like her fellow dancers — but while the other little girls all follow the teacher’s lead, waving their arms and spinning on stage, Charlie barely moves a muscle, looking bored and completely over the whole spectacle.
Not gonna do it! Four-year-old Charlie (pictured) shot to online fame this week after someone shared a video from her dance recital, showing her standing still while others danced
‘Went to my niece’s outdoor recital and witnessed this legend,’ Caleb Collier, who was in the audience, captioned his TikTok.
The video shows an outdoor stage covered in colorful streamers. A group of little girls in identical purple show outfits and black masks is on the stage, performing a dance routine as they mimic their teacher in front of them.
But on the far right side of the stage, one little girl — Charlie — hardly moves at all, and is certainly making no effort to dance.
The video has quickly gone viral, with commenters calling Charlie ‘amazing,’ a ‘spirit animal’ and ‘a freaking mood.’
‘I know just how she feels,’ wrote one woman, while another commented: ‘Charlie is a boss. No choice but to stan.’
‘I’m so proud of her,’ said yet another, while one person wrote: ‘That girl summed up 2020 pretty well.’

Over it! Little girls in matching purple tutus performed a choreographed dance — but Charlie stands still for six whole minutes

‘Charlie is a natural born performer, but is outrageously shy when it comes to new people, environments, and crowds,’ Charlie’s mom, Tiffany Cosby, said
Charlie’s mom, Tiffany Cosby, said that the little girl stood still for the first six minutes of the recital, and only moved along during the last dance sequence, once she’d moved away from the front.
‘Charlie is a natural born performer, but is outrageously shy when it comes to new people, environments, and crowds,’ Tiffany told Insider.
‘We had a feeling she might opt out of actually dancing so I had spoken with her beforehand and assured her I would be right down front so she could see me the whole time as she does better when I’m around.
‘While watching her I just tried to telepathically reassure her it was OK but to no avail, so we just smiled and cheered her on anyway,’ she added.
Tiffany said that after the recital was over, they asked Charlie what happened.
She told told BuzzFeed: ‘I asked her, “Charlie why didn’t you dance in the beginning?” And she goes, “There were a lot of people.”

Stage fright! When asked why she didn’t dance, she said there were ‘a lot of people’ — though she eventually joined in once she was moved to the back of the stage

We get it! The video has quickly gone viral, with commenters calling Charlie ‘amazing,’ a ‘spirit animal’ and ‘a freaking mood’
‘We were actually shocked she did dance in the finale,’ Tiffany added. ‘I honestly think it was because she was in the back row. She is really animated and outgoing if it’s in a small group of people she knows.
The proud mom said she’s not surprised her daughter didn’t dance — or that her non-performance went viral.
‘Honestly I could relate,’ she said. ‘I think the thing that surprises me the most is when things are posted on the internet you’re going to expect negative comments. I was talking to family about how great it was that a majority of the comments were uplifting.
‘We have always joked from day one that her attitude, expressive nature, and strong willed silence would make her “famous” one day but we really never expected it to truly come to fruition,’ she added.