5 Fun Activities to Keep Your Kids Occupied

Do you ever find yourself struggling to find ways to keep your kids occupied indoors?

Planning activities that will keep your kids entertained can be difficult with the ever-changing weather.

Don’t worry; we have compiled a list of five fun activities to keep your kids engaged and occupied indoors. From creative crafts to educational activities, these ideas will help keep your children entertained while indoors.

1) Make Homemade Pizzas

Making homemade pizza is a great activity to keep your kids occupied indoors. Not only is it fun to make, but it’s also an educational experience! It’s a great way to teach your kids about measurements, different ingredients, and the process of cooking.

For this, you need adequate space in your kitchen.

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To make homemade pizza, you’ll need basic kitchen ingredients. First, you’ll need some pizza dough. You can buy store-bought dough or make your own with flour, yeast, sugar, oil, and warm water.

Once the dough is ready, roll it out and let the kids choose their toppings.

Depending on the age of your kids, you can opt for pre-made sauces or give them some control over what goes on their pizzas. Popular topping options include tomatoes, mushrooms, olives, peppers, sausage, pepperoni, and cheese.

After the pizzas are topped and ready to go, bake them in the oven at 375°F for about 15-20 minutes. This should be easy if you have a well-installed gas piping system since gas leaks may be dangerous.

Once they’re finished cooking, let your kids enjoy the pizza and do the cleanup later!

2) Create a Fort

Building a fort is a great way to keep kids entertained for hours. It’s easy to do, and you only need a few blankets and some chairs or other objects to hold them up. Let the kids have fun picking out their blankets and deciding how to arrange them.

They can create tunnels, caves, tents, houses, and more. Once they are done creating their fort, let them crawl inside and enjoy it! They can read books, play pretends games, or even nap in their special hideout.

When they are done playing, help them take the fort down and store it away until the next time they want to use it.

3) Have a Pillow Fight

What kid doesn’t love a good pillow fight? It’s a great way to have fun with your kids indoors and get out some of their energy.

Gather some pillows and let the kids pick out who gets to throw the first pillow. Make sure they don’t hit each other too hard and remind them that it’s all good fun. Have them use large pillows to reduce the risk of injury.

You can also make up a game to play with the pillow fight, such as having everyone start with two pillows, and whoever loses all their pillows first is out. This encourages everyone to participate and adds a competitive element to the game.

4) Play Tag

Tag is a classic game that’s perfect for keeping your kids occupied. It doesn’t require special equipment and can be done indoors or outdoors. To play, one person is designated as “It,” and the other players must run away from the person who is “It” and try to avoid being tagged.

Whoever is tagged becomes the new “It” and the game continues until everyone has had a turn at being “It.”

If you have younger kids, you can modify the rules to make it fairer and less competitive. For example, you can give each player a few seconds of grace before they have to run away, or you can make the game last until everyone has been “It” once.

5) Make Homemade Slime

Slime is a fun and popular activity that kids of all ages love.

Making slime is a great way to keep your kids occupied indoors, as it can take up to an hour or more to complete the process. It’s also a great way for them to learn about science and get creative with mixing different ingredients to achieve the desired outcome.


Keeping your kids occupied while they are stuck indoors can be challenging.

However, with the right activities and creativity, you can keep them entertained and having fun. From creating a fort to having a dance party, there are many activities you can choose from to keep your kids occupied.

It is important to ensure that you find something that is enjoyable and age-appropriate for them. With the right activities, you’ll be able to ensure that your kids are getting the most out of their time spent indoors.