5 Reasons Why Nurses Are the Building Blocks of Healthcare System

There used to be a time when nurses were not regarded enough for their contribution as building blocks of the healthcare system. That was an apparent underestimation of the importance of nurses in this sector. Nurses have always been backing up the system; they make up more than half of the healthcare workforce. They are the first to interact with the patients, providing care and support to them throughout the treatment and easing them up on the subject of their ailment.

Contrary to popular belief, nurses aren’t only assistance to the doctors. If anything, they work as the doctor’s eyes, ears and hands more than half of the time. They are the ones with whom patients are most comfortable and administrate their well-being in detail. Previous studies have suggested many occasions where fast thinking and their exceptionally prompt services led to saving lives. Nurses put a lot of effort into taking care of the patients and promoting public health. Nurses are the face of an improved healthcare system, and here are five reasons why:

Extensively Well-Trained

Many people underestimate nurses’ training and abilities unless they have been under treatment at a hospital. Even within a few hours of the visit, it is evident how well-trained nurses are in what they do. They ensure patients healing through each step of the process because they receive extensive training to do so. They get training in physiology, psychiatric care, pharmacy, and much more. Nursing career is quite prolonged because of the comprehensive education. To become an RN, they go through around two to three years of training plus course work. Then they go for a bachelor’s degree. After that, most preferably opt for BSN to masters in nursing online to enhance their training. It never really ends, though, as they spend so much time with so many different kinds of patients, they learn new and innovative ways to deal with everyone.

Complete Care For Patients

It is not uncommon for patients to prioritize seeing their nurse before the doctor even, and that is because of the complete care they expect from them. A nurse takes responsibility for taking comprehensive care of the patient by better understanding their physical and mental health. No one can deny the great extent of energy, time, and effort that nurses put into their patients’ holistic healing. They monitor and then record the data clearly and concisely to communicate it to the physician before taking an important decision. They significantly impact primary care capacity because they are experts in dealing with the patients’ families and community groups. Nurses are always available for their patients, knowing what’s good and bad for their health. They do not only care for their physical well-being but make sure that the patient’s mental health is being taken care of, too.

Independence In Decision-Making

Nurses are not only to work on orders, but they can make decisions too. It is the sixth sense and intuitive judgment of nurses in many instances, leading to successful care for patients. We shouldn’t underestimate their knowledge and expertise on patient care as they are quite well-aware of their patients’ health, even more so than the physicians. In today’s world, nursing schools teach the courageous and generous practices of Florence Nightingale by allowing students to record their observations and make decisions when necessary. It has led to many new research pieces on an important subject and with first-hand experiences that have helped improve the healthcare system. It wouldn’t be a lie to admit that doctors cannot operate or decide about patients’ health unless they have reports from the nurse. It is one of the prime reasons hospitals hire nurses with a BSN degree because they have reliable decision-making skills.

Advocates For Patients

Since nurses spend time with the patient, most health professionals are more well-aware of their different needs and requirements. They wish for the patient with the best interest at heart and protect their privacy while communicating effectively with their physicians. They have great intellect and exceptional emotional intelligence that makes patients and their families confide in them. It is beneficial to reveal new insight better and understand the patients’ health, habits, and behavior. This type of advocacy for patients cannot go unnoticed for how much it contributes to patient care.

Teachers For Patients

If you know the negative impact of health-illiteracy on the healthcare system, you would know how it can be destructive for patients’ health. Nurses are great instructors for the patients, allowing them to learn through their turmoil and make the best choices regarding their health, finance, and treatment. Many patients have shown signs of reluctance in asking questions from the medical community. Nurses make them feel calm and put a lot of effort into instructing patients regarding their treatment. They are answerable to various questions regarding medicines and their possible risk, procedure, nutrition intake, and hygiene. They are also better at teaching patients about how to deal with their health problems, like taking a sugar-test or injecting insulin by themselves.


Nurses are more than just the right-hand of the doctors. They are on their feet throughout their day-long shift, remembering each detail of their patients, risking their own lives to cater to their needs, and taking extra care of them. They are practically lifesavers. Apart from recordkeeping and making charts about patients’ progress, they are always vigilant and attentive so that nothing goes wrong. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that doctors rely a lot upon nurses and their assessments. They have more power over prescription and medication intake than you think because they often work as doctors’ sixth sense. And of course, they are very dependent in this regard because they know better about the patient.

Being a nurse isn’t an easy task; maybe that’s why it is one of the most trusted and well-regarded professions. The lengthy education and training that seems never-ending require someone dedicated to the cause. They are the instructor, caregivers, and advocates of the patients. There is no doubt that they are the healthcare system’s building blocks because, without their help, the system will most likely collapse.