5 Signs It’s Time to Remove a Tree from Your Property

Trees, by their nature, can survive quite a bit and still grow strong.

However, there are some points where it may be better to go ahead and remove a tree from the property. Working with the experts makes it easy to determine if a tree can be saved or if it needs to go, but there are a few signs that it might be time to have it removed. 

Tree is Leaning

If the tree is leaning, removing a tree might become necessary.

Trees that are leaning can continue to grow, but it is more susceptible to falling, especially during severe weather. Experts can tell if it’s possible to fix the tree and get it to root properly or if it will need to be removed. 

There are Lots of Dead Branches

Dead branches are normal and pruning can help to remove them before they fall.

However, if there are a lot of dead branches, it could be a sign that the tree is dying. The tree may not be getting enough nutrients, may not be able to grow roots properly, or may be restricted from growth in other ways.

The branches will start to die, and if it gets too severe, the tree should be removed. 

Storm Damage to the Tree

Storm damage can range from minor and repairable to severe. If a tree is struck by lightning, depending on the severity of the damage, there is a possibility it can be saved.

However, it may be necessary to remove the tree if the damage is too severe and the tree is not likely to recover from the damage. The tree may not show all of the damage immediately after the lightning strike and could need to be removed up to a year after the damage occurs. 

Growing Close to Hazards

Trees that are growing close to hazards, like power lines or buildings, should be pruned regularly to prevent damage. However, removing the tree may be a good idea to avoid it growing further and causing damage.

If the tree is close to hazards, even if it is kept trimmed if it falls it can cause severe damage. Plus, the roots can cause damage as they grow. Removing it and planting a new tree elsewhere may be the best option. 

A Split Tree Trunk

One of the reasons to remove trees is because the trunk has split. This can happen because of damage inside the tree, a lightning strike, or other reasons. When it does happen, if the split is large enough, the tree won’t be able to recover and will eventually fall.

By removing the tree now, it’s possible to minimize the potential damage that the tree will cause when it does fall. 

If you have a tree that you’re concerned about, go ahead and contact the experts for help. They can take a look at the tree to see if any measures can be taken to save the tree or determine if it needs to be removed.

If it does need to be removed, it can be done carefully to protect the property from further damage and to ensure everyone is safe. Call today to learn more about whether or not your tree needs to be removed.