5 things every sales manager need to do to keep mental health

Sales account managers were rated as the second-most stressful work option in a poll by the online career database PayScale, with 73 percent of respondents classifying it as highly stressful.

The daily interactions that salespeople have can be emotionally taxing, which can negatively affect mental health.

Increased levels of stress are caused by a mix of cold calls, an uncertain income, and the possibility of spending time away from friends and family due to long hours or travel.

You will learn how to maintain your mental health at work from the advice in this article.

Why sales managers should care about mental health

People who are happier, have a network of support at work, and feel comfortable being open and honest will be more invested in their work and ultimately want to produce greater results.

But if people feel they must check a piece of themselves at the door each day to go to work, it will inevitably limit their capacity to be the best versions of themselves.

What is emotional intelligence (EQ)

The capacity to recognize, use, and regulate your own emotions in order to reduce stress, communicate clearly, sympathize with others, overcome obstacles and diffuse conflict is known as emotional intelligence (also emotional quotient – EQ).

You can develop stronger relationships, perform well at work, and reach your professional and personal objectives with the aid of emotional intelligence.

Additionally, it can assist you in establishing a connection with your emotions, putting your intentions into practice, and choosing what is most important to you.

Being emotionally intelligent will improve both your personal and professional connections with friends and coworkers. Here’s how you improve your emotional intelligence:

  • Pay attention to yourself. Notice how others react when you speak. Take note of how you respond when people speak. Do you make snap decisions? Simple changes can be accomplished by merely becoming aware of our default negative thoughts, expressions, and behaviors.
  • Use positive language. Our words have an impact on our ideas, deeds, and other people’s emotions. By putting your attention on the good things and speaking in ways that help you and others, you may take control of your surroundings.
  • Watch your stress level. Negative emotions might surface more quickly and be more difficult to manage when things are a little out of control. Make sure you schedule some downtime; take a break and engage in something you enjoy doing or take 10 deep, refreshing breaths.

5 things every sales manager need to do to keep mental health

We’re urging everyone to prioritize their mental health by providing some brief advice on how to look after yourself.

Here’s your checklist:

Learn to say “no” and look for shortcuts

​​Saying “no” at work can be challenging, particularly if you feel pressured to accept every request. However, it’s crucial to allow yourself to say “no” sometimes so you don’t overcommit yourself.

As a sales manager, you can be asked lots of questions. By using a professional email signature with every email you send, you reduce the number of questions from potential customers as they can find answers themselves if they click on your signature.

For example, you can add a link to your FAQ or promo page in your email signature. It also makes it easy for the customers to provide you with feedback if you include a survey link.

Check out these email signature examples. To make it all even less effort-consuming, use an email signature generator.

Practice “office” exercises

According to experts, physical activity causes your brain to release feel-good hormones. So regular exercise can improve your mood, focus, sleep, and general well-being. Exercise also maintains the health of your brain and other essential organs.

Going to the gym or playing a sport are only two examples of exercising. You can stay active by going for walks in the park, gardening, or even doing exercises in the office. Devote 5-10 minutes a day and see the difference!

Tip: The list of exercises can be always in front of your eyes if you print it. To keep track of your progress and stay on course to accomplish your goals, make an activity checklist.

Have a good diet

There are clear connections between what we eat and how we feel; for instance, sugar and caffeine can have a quick impact. But your mental health might also be negatively impacted by food in the long run.

Like the other organs in your body, your brain needs a variety of nutrients to keep healthy and work properly. A healthy diet is beneficial for both your physical and emotional well-being.

A nutritious, balanced diet consists of various fruits and vegetables, wholegrain cereals or bread, nuts and seeds, legumes, dairy products (or plant-based alternatives), oily seafood (or plant-based alternatives), and lots of water.

Spend more time with your family or friends

You may manage the stresses of life with the help of strong family ties and encouraging friends. They can help you stay grounded, active, and capable of resolving everyday issues. Of course, nothing compares to meeting up with someone in person.

However, that isn’t always feasible. Instead, give them a call, send them a letter, or start a chat with them online. Maintain open channels of communication. It benefits you!

Practice breathing yoga

Find ways to unwind and relax, such as through meditation, music, or adding breathing exercises to your daily routine.

A timed breathing technique in which the exhale lasts longer than the inhale is the most basic breathing exercise for soothing the nervous system and the overworked mind. Just try it!

Final thoughts

Everyone may experience periods of mental health difficulty. When challenging events or emotions persist for a long time and interfere with our ability to take pleasure in and live our lives as we choose, we have a mental health condition.

Don’t neglect these essential tips that might make all the difference when you’re feeling down.

Taking care of your mental health has never been more crucial.