5 Tips for Maintaining Your Health As a Surrogate Mother

Thousands of women apply to be surrogates every year. They make an enormous sacrifice by letting the intended parent’s child grow and develop inside their uterus. Young women can qualify to become surrogates if they are generally healthy and young.

Most surrogate mothers are between the ages of 21 and 45. There are exceptions, but pregnancy puts a lot of stress on the body, so being in the optimal age range gives a woman the best chance of delivering a healthy baby.

To make sure both you and the baby are healthy, you need to take the following steps.

1. Avoid Risky Substances

Everyone knows that you shouldn’t smoke or drink alcohol when pregnant, and that is especially true when you are carrying a precious bundle for the intended parents. You should also tell your OBGYN if you are regularly taking non-prescribed supplements or herbal preparations.

Some herbs or supplements are not recommended to be taken during pregnancy because they may have detrimental effects on fetal development or can lead to complications.

2. Follow a Balanced Diet

What you eat has a direct effect on the development of the fetus that you carry.

Pregnancy is not a good time to go on a diet; you need more calories now to support your growing life. Those calories should come from plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

A nutritious diet supports the baby’s growth and development and will help to maintain your energy levels and overall health. You may also need to take pregnancy vitamins rich in folic acid and iron to support the baby’s growth and brain development.

3. Keep Active

About two-thirds of adults in the U.S. are overweight or obese, which can lead to health issues such as high cholesterol, hypertension, and diabetes, which are especially dangerous in pregnant women.

Gentle to moderate exercise during pregnancy helps prevent these conditions and benefits the pregnancy and your overall health. Try activities that do not strain the body and joints, like walking, cycling, or gentle yoga stretching.

Swimming is also a good activity because it provides a good cardio workout without putting strain on the joints and ligaments. Before starting any exercise plan, consult with your surrogacy specialist or a medical practitioner to tailor your regimen to be safe during pregnancy.

4. Avoid Stress

It is normal to feel many complex emotions and mood swings during pregnancy. As a surrogate, you have the added pressure of the intended parent’s expectations of you to birth a healthy baby. The pressure may feel overwhelming at times.

It is normal but unnecessary for you to keep it all in. Emotional overwhelm can raise cortisol levels in your body, potentially disrupting the baby’s normal development. Talk to the surrogate specialist or a qualified counselor if you are feeling down.

To take control of your emotions, make sure you regularly take time to recharge, breathe, and relax. Taking a prenatal yoga class or meditating can be a good way to reduce your stress levels and bring peace of mind.

5. Attend All Your Medical Appointments

Medical practitioners must follow your pregnancy carefully to ensure everything is progressing well. Any complications must be diagnosed early and interventions implemented to ensure you deliver a healthy baby.

A fertility specialist and OBGYN practitioner will most likely attend to you.

You can expect a fertilization procedure where the embryo is implanted in your uterus and additional ultrasound scans at 8, 12, and 20 weeks to track fetal development. Additionally, if the intended parents stay relatively close to you, consider inviting them to your medical appointments.

They will appreciate being informed about your progress; keeping them involved in your medical care will foster a closer bond between you.

By following these tips, you can ensure you provide the best environment for the intended parents’ baby and stay in good health yourself. The journey may seem long and difficult now, but when you deliver a healthy baby and hand it over to the intended parents, the joy on their faces will be worth it.