6 Trendy Ways to Show Love to the Planet

We all know that our planet is environmentally in a lot of danger. Greenhouse gases are increasing, trees are getting cut, and the global temperature is constantly rising.

In fact, 2022 was said to be the sixth-warmest year globally since the global temperature records began in 1880. Therefore, people of this beautiful planet must love the earth back and opt for eco-friendly practices.

If you’re wondering how to give back to the earth, here are some trendy ways!

Recycle items in your house

This is the most basic step that environmentalists and scientists have urged people to take. Recycling basic items like paper, electronics, and almost anything else will greatly reduce your carbon footprint.

For example, if you have old sheets of paper lying around in the house, sort them out into separate piles and then shred them. Then, you can easily create new sheets of paper after de-inking and drying the pulp.

When it comes to plastic, you can even recycle plastic items after giving them to a recycling facility. The plastic can be melted, and a lot of other things can be formed out of them.

Dress consciously

Fast fashion is a phenomenon that has taken up the world by storm, but unfortunately, it poses a great risk to the planet’s future.

Not only does fast fashion contribute to air and water pollution, but it also uses unethical working conditions. One way to stop fast fashion is to dress consciously and choose brands that manufacture long-lasting clothes.

Buy garments that are made of natural, organic, and cruelty-free products instead. This way, your clothes will last much longer, and you won’t have to spend a ton of money replacing your old clothes!

Compost waste

It might be hard to believe, but much of the waste produced in our households can be composted. For example, the vegetable and fruit peels you throw out daily can easily be used as compost and then spread all over your backyard or on potted plants.

Even paper napkins and other eco-friendly materials can be used as compost for your garden.

Homemade compost is said to be much more efficient than store-bought ones since the latter often contains harmful chemicals. And the best part is that you won’t have to spend a single penny!

Reuse things in your home

Recycling and reusing products is also a great way to make the planet more sustainable.

For example, if you have old shampoo bottles lying in your bathroom, don’t throw them away and purchase new ones. Instead, buy refillable packs and pour the shampoo into the old bottle itself.

You can also buy other refillable cleaning products instead. All you have to do is purchase laundry or skincare items from them and then when you’re out of the product, send it back so they can refill it for you!

Plant trees

If you have small kids in the house, this will be an ideal way to spend quality time with them! Trees help to clear the air and purify the soil. Moreover, with the recent trend of deforestation, we can all do some good by planting more trees in our locality.

You can either do it right in your backyard or volunteer at a local tree-planting group. Take your kids with you and help them learn about the different kinds of trees, shrubs, and bushes in that area.

You may also give a sapling as a gift to someone instead of buying them conventional things that they already might have.

Reduce driving

Yes, this is actually easier said than done since taking a car to work saves a lot of time. But driving daily has a lot of environmental impact by causing pollution and consuming non-renewable energy resources like petrol or diesel.

But if you take your bike to work instead, you’ll end up helping the planet! Biking is also a great way to work out, so you won’t have to spend any extra time exercising in the gym.

Lastly, having a car or refueling takes quite a lot of money, which you can easily save by either biking or taking the public transport system.

Over to you…

While making a small change might not seem like much, it’s definitely the start of something good. And if all of us get together and work toward creating a better tomorrow, then the earth’s environmental conditions will be significantly improved.