62% of Americans are concerned about 80-year-old Biden’s mental fitness: MORE questions for POTUS

More than half of voters are worried about Joe Biden’s age and his fitness to serve in the White House, a new poll has revealed.

A survey for PBS Newshour and NPR found that 62 percent of Americans believe the question of Biden’s mental fitness is a real concern.

The 80-year-old commander-in-chief, who will be 86 at the end of his presidency if he wins a second term, recently stumbled at a photo op at the G7 summit in Japan. 

He has also been prone to giving rambling speeches, and rarely takes unscripted questions from the media.

Biden stumbled once more as he took part in a G7 photo op in Japan.

Even Hillary Clinton, who served as Secretary of State under Barack Obama, warned at the weekend that the former Delaware senator’s advancing years ‘is an issue’ in the next presidential election. 

The poll shows that concerns about Biden’s mental fitness are 11 points higher than for the leading Republican candidate, Donald Trump.

Just 51 percent of voters worry about whether the 76-year-old has sufficient mental acuity to be the commander-in-chief once more.

Biden’s health and stamina will increasingly come under the microscope as the 2024 campaign heats up early next year.

In the 2020 election, with much of the country shut down by the Covid pandemic, Biden was able to rely on digital campaigning to fundraise and rally his base.   

A potential 2024 rematch between Biden, 80, and Trump, 76, would pit the two oldest presidents ever elected to first terms against each other again.  

A similar poll earlier this month found 63 percent of Americans believe Biden lacks the mental sharpness to serve as president – nearly identical to the latest number.

But this poll found more concern for Trump’s mental fitness than the 43 percent in the earlier poll.

According to the latest voter survey, 36 percent of Americans dismiss questions about Biden’s mental sharpness.

They argue that concerns are merely a campaign strategy used by his opponents, with forty-three percent say the same of Trump.

Opinions polls suggest that the two men are heading for another presidential rematch in next year's election

Opinions polls suggest that the two men are heading for another presidential rematch in next year’s election

But Biden’s overall approval rating rose slightly from last month to 45 percent, while 49 percent of Americans disapprove, including 59 percent of independents.

The gaffe-prone president, the country’s oldest ever at 80 years of age, recently slammed Britain at an event for mega rich donors in New York on May 10.

Biden said that he had only travelled to Ireland and Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom, to make sure ‘the Brits didn’t screw around’ with the Good Friday agreement. 

Biden has made numerous gaffes since entering the White House in January 2021

Biden has made numerous gaffes since entering the White House in January 2021

Photographers picked up the memo, prepared by aides, that carried instructions on how to answer questions that reporters had provided in advance 

But last month he appeared confused at a joint press conference with South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol as he took vetted questions from two hand-picked journalists.

Biden had to rely on cheat sheets to answer them, with scripted replies written out by aides. 

Hs has made similar mistakes in the past, leaving supposedly confidential notes in the full glare of the media.

Photographers caught him revealing a cheat sheet at the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, last November that instructed him when to sit and take photos.

A close up snap of the President sitting down showed him with a list of instructions that said ‘YOU will sit at the center’ and ‘YOU will deliver opening remarks.’

He attended the two-day summit in Bali, Indonesia along with other world leaders.

Biden was also caught with a similar note at a June 2022 meeting with wind-industry executives.

Biden was also instructed to speak to specific attendees, ask them questions and thank them before leaving the room at the June 2022 meeting.

Biden was also instructed to speak to specific attendees, ask them questions and thank them before leaving the room at the June 2022 meeting.

President Biden was prompted to wipe a yellow mark from his face during a Zoom meeting with state governors on Friday after a staffer handed him a note saying: ‘Sir, there is something on your chin’

The former vice-president was also instructed to speak to specific attendees, ask them questions and thank them before leaving the room at the June 2022 meeting.

Then earlier that year, Biden was mocked for using a printed ‘cheat sheet’ of answers to expected questions when he faced the media to discuss the Ukraine war.

The notes read: ‘If you weren’t advocating for regime change, what did you mean? Can you clarify?’ Another read: ‘Is this now threatening to splinter unity with your NATO allies?’

Biden already had an answer prepared on the printed card: ‘No. NATO has never been more united.’

And in one excruciating exchange, an aide asked him to wipe a stain from his face during a Zoom call with state governors in July 2021.

He regularly uses cue cards, and they were a permanent fixture of the campaign trail in 2020.

But the repeated exposure of his descriptive notes have sparked concerns for his well-being and health.

Republican lawmakers have suggested that Biden’s apparent decline makes him unfit to serve a second four-year term.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk