7 Effective Ways to Prevent Premature Skin Aging

Getting older is definitely a certain thing that will happen in our life. Over time your skin will lose its elasticity and tightness due to your age. But not only due to internal factors such as age and genetics, but these changes can also prematurely happen due to external behavior.

If this occurs much earlier or you encounter premature aging, it certainly will be very worrying!

To know more about this, here are the two ultimate causes of aging skin according to the American Academy of Dermatology Association.

  • Intrinsic aging: Refers to genetic and biochemical factors, as well as the effects of hormonal changes.
  • Extrinsic aging: Helps promote aging due to external aggression such as pollution or UV rays. Not only that, lifestyle habits such as smoking or eating and drinking too many sugary beverages will also contribute to this.

To keep your skin in youthful condition, it is very recommended to focus on the extrinsic side, thus your skin will keep looking good even as you age. Here are the dos and don’ts to follow up on in taking care of your skin!

1. Use proper sunscreen

Apply sunscreen with a broader spectrum SPF before putting on makeup, no matter what the weather is! According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, UVA accounts for up to 95% of the radiation that gets into the earth’s surface from sunlight and rays.

UVA rays can even penetrate clouds, fog, and glas, thus thinking that you don’t need sunscreen because you stay inside is not a correct way of thinking! Using sunscreen regularly can do wonders to help protect your skin from early aging.

2. Don’t use drying soap

Regular bar soaps may contain chemicals that deplete the skin of its natural oils, such as alcohol, perfumes, and sulfates. Dehydration damages the skin barrier, and dry skin is unable to defend itself against irritants like bacteria and pollution.

Use a hydrating, sulfate-free cleanser on your skin, then follow it up with an antioxidant-rich moisturizer like Vitamins A, C, and E. Being mindful of what products you use on your face is the ultimate thing that can help you to prevent early aging.

3. Don’t reduce sleep patterns

When the body is at rest, the cells within it—including the skin—regenerate, produce more collagen, and protect your skin from environmental stresses like UV radiation and pollution. Poor sleep, on the other hand, has an effect on your appearance.

Thus, getting at the very least 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night is necessary if you want to keep your skin looking young.

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4. Don’t rub your eyes

Because the skin surrounding the eyes is so fragile, rubbing it frequently can result in fine lines and wrinkles.

Rubbing eyes is something that we often do without realizing, thus you should be more mindful now after knowing what is the effect of continuous rubbing on your skin around the eye.

Continuous rubbing can also happen to people who have allergies or skin diseases. To help rule out any underlying illnesses that may cause you to rub your eyes, you should visit an eye specialist or dermatologist.

5. Avoid any stress

Stress can have a detrimental effect on the health of the skin and aggravate a number of skin issues, such as eczema, acne, and hair loss.

Chronic stress is associated with the excess production of the hormone cortisol which has been shown to hasten the aging process by causing excessive inflammation and cell damage from free radicals.

You should alter your lifestyle to better manage stress, such as by eating a balanced diet, exercising frequently, getting enough sleep, and learning to meditate.

6. Don’t use straws while drinking

Lip puckering can cause creases around the mouth. Therefore, if you frequently use a straw while drinking, it may cause the muscles around your lips to contract. Thus, whenever possible, refrain from using a straw.

By lowering the usage of single-use plastic items, not only will it do wonders for your skin – but it will also benefit the environment.

7. Remember to wear your sunglasses

Most individuals only use sunglasses to lessen glare from the sun. However, if you are going outside, sunglasses ought to be a necessity that you use! Sunglasses shield the eyes from UV radiation that could damage the cornea, retina, and eyelids.

Additionally, UV damage results in sagging, wrinkles, strained skin, and dryness!