7 tips for better living at home

The coronavirus pandemic has changed every aspect of our lives, from the way that we work to the way we exercise and eat. As a result, the first part of this year has proved challenging for anyone looking to stay physically fit and improve their health. With many people understandably feeling nervous about going to the gym, it’s important that we focus on our overall health at home. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways we can do just that. Here are just seven.

#1 Consult YouTube videos for a home workout

It’s hard to stay motivated when you’re at home all the time, but a YouTube workout video is a great substitute for your usual spin class or boxercise session. YouTube is full of workout videos that you can do from the comfort of your own home – and HIIT classes (high-intensity interval training) are particularly popular. In fact, videos by personal trainer Joe Wicks (who is also known as The Body Coach) were watched concurrently on YouTube by one million viewers per session at the start of lockdown.

#2 Treat yourself to a little luxury

During this pandemic, your anxiety will be heightened and you’re likely to feel a little more stressed than usual. However, you should take the time to reward yourself for how far you’ve come and the things you’ve achieved. So, if you find that you’re spending a lot of time watching television and movies (that you finally now have time for), then treat yourself to a massage chair or somewhere comfy to sit. This way, you can greatly enhance your enjoyment of one of the few luxuries you still have and add a sense of luxury and refinement to your watching experience. Going to the cinema just isn’t the same at the moment, so why not bring the experience into your home?

#3 Learn to play a musical instrument

If you’re not getting out of the house as much as you were before, you’re unlikely to be giving your brain the level of stimulation it requires. As a result, you need to find new ways of challenging it. Learning a new skill by playing a musical instrument is a great example of this. By continually challenging your brain, you’ll find it much easier to sleep and switch off.

#4 Take time out to work on your mental health

Mental health is incredibly important, so you should take some time out of your busy schedule to actively work on it and practice mindfulness techniques. This can help you manage your anxiety levels and really appreciate the little things in life. Even doing something small like focusing on your breathing for a few minutes can make a big difference.

#5 Disconnect from technology

Technology has undoubtedly improved our lives, but being constantly connected to everyone on social media, messaging services and emails can be harmful. After all, if you can always be contacted, it’s hard to switch off.

So, take the time to actively disconnect yourself from your phone and the internet to enjoy a bit of ‘me time’. Instead, read a book or take up writing and live in the analog world. Without distractions, your brain can take a break and properly recharge.

#6 Improve your diet

When you spend all day at home, it can be easy to constantly snack and eat unhealthy foods, especially when the fridge is nearby. And, given that we’re living more sedentary lives anyway, it can be easy to put on weight. So, focus on improving your diet and finding new healthy recipes to try out. This way, you can keep the calories under control and give your body the nutrients it needs.

#7 Keep a clean home environment

There’s a powerful psychology behind cleanliness which means that good organization and tidiness in the home are good for our brains. Research shows that people with clean houses are healthier than those with messy houses, so clearing the sides, mopping the floors, and hoovering regularly could help improve your focus levels, your sleeping pattern, and your physical health.

Follow these seven top tips and you’ll be able to live better at home. Remember, by focusing on both your physical and mental health during these difficult times, you could come out of the other side stronger than ever before.