9 little-known facts about the ChNPP and the Exclusion Zone: preparation before Chernobyl tour

The Chernobyl tragedy is one of the most terrible accidents in the world history of nuclear energy. The events which took place on the 26th of April have forever changed the lives of millions of people. For nearly 35 years humans have been suffering and continue to perish from the repercussions of the disaster.

Here are some interesting facts which will help you understand this story clearer.

Radiation doesn’t have odor, colour, or taste. However, a lot of people are afraid of it as something palpable. As a rule, once you enter the Exclusion Zone of Chernobyl, no one will observe anything extraordinary. Moreover, Chernobyl air is considerably cleaner contrary to other cities. People realize the radiation’s existence only after noticing some warning signs around the most polluted areas of the Zone. So, the Ukraine Chernobyl tour is not a dangerous activity.

Roads in the Zone are absolutely smooth, without any humps or protuberances. Ukrainians wish Kyiv had such roads. The purpose of laying a flat asphalt pavement was to prevent the throwing of radioactive garbage during carriage for studying or storing.

The Zone employs approximately five thousand personnel. It gave the workplaces to many neighboring settlements, particularly to Slavutich city. One-third of the staff are females, working equally with males. Generally, the indicators of admissible radiation level for this area exceeds the norm for the regular employees of twenty times. Nevertheless, this poser had no effect on the number of wages. They work due to a rational schedule: people work in the Chernobyl zone for 2 weeks and then go for a 2-week-rehabilitation. In order to see this with your eyes, book a tour to Chernobyl Zone.

After the coming of night, Pripyat plunges into the full darkness. You won’t see any lanterns, even lengthways on the roadway. Lighting appears only in the settlement namely Ivankov. The number of lightened up windows in the town is really striking, it doesn’t seem to be abandoned anymore. This scene is frightening and breathtaking simultaneously. It is really worth seeing in tour Chernobyl.

Those wishing to see the 4 reactors can fulfil their dream since it was reconstructed in 2016. An arch over the reactor will remain in place for about 100 years.

Radiation doesn’t cover the adjacencies of Chernobyl but focuses on islands. Definitely, the routes of Chernobyl tour provided by Trips-to-Chernobyl are certainly secure. While walking around the Zone you can notice dosimeters on several constructions, confirming that the radiation level is about 17-20 μR / hour.

ChNPP was constructed as the most powerful energy facility in Ukraine. In total, it was planned to erect twelve units of the station. By the way, considering the time the plant managed to work, the Chernobyl region could provide 10% of Ukraine’s power supply demands.

There are 3 parts in the Chernobyl area: a thirty-km exclusion zone, where all residents were resettled from, a ten-km territory around the plant, with a pretty high level of radiation, and a special area – the industrial part of the ChNPP. Today, it’s dangerous to enter only the last one. If you stay in any other area there will be no consequences connecting with radiation illnesses. Everyone leaving Chernobyl has to undergo a radiation examination. Thus, the best Chernobyl tour assures safety to each visitor.

Chernobyl has a long history of about 10 centuries. In the 19th century, this city was one of the biggest Hasidism residences, 60% of Chernobyl’s population were Jews. The lawsuit of ChNPP leadership, who were found guilty of the disaster, took place in the synagogue.

With the help of Trips-to-Chernobyl, there is a chance to live through the historic events and gain some new information about this majestic place. Book your place on the best Chernobyl tour cost and join the team of researchers!