9 Tips for Successful Website Redesign

A company’s website can be a very powerful marketing tool. Therefore, it should be used and designed accordingly. If you consider the following nine tips for redesigning your website, the probability of getting a great result increases. When it comes to website redesign cost, whether you pay 1,000 dollars, 5,000 dollars, 15,000 dollars or much more, a success-oriented website will not cost anything – on the contrary, it will bring in something – like any good investment.

Define a goal for the website

Every redesign begins with a vision and a desire to solve a problem. It is therefore important that you be clear about why you want a redesign and how you can translate those reasons into measurable results. The most important thing in the planning phase is that you precisely define the goals and the functions of your new website derived from them. Creating a sitemap and defining the content and design as precisely as possible saves time and reduces errors later.

Analyze the existing website

Take a close look at your current website: what works well and what needs improvement. Do a detailed analysis so that you can measure the success of your new website later. Also, survey visitors to your current website to find out what they think is important and good. Give them a chance to tell you how you can improve your website.

Create good content

Content is king, context is queen. Content should therefore not only be appealing and interesting for the visitor but also be relevant for search engines – search engine optimization (SEO). Gamification marketing can be a game-changer too. What is gamification? Glad you asked. It’s the practice of applying game mechanics in various areas, such as business, health, and social life. The main objective is to increase engagement and arouse users’ curiosity.

Design the new page

Good design is simple, responsive, and appealing. In the creative process, different layouts, colors, and fonts should therefore be tried out to find out what is most appealing to the potential visitor. Don’t forget to make a mobile version of your website as this is a must-have these days.

Measurability & conversions at a glance

When you implement your new website, this should of course be done with modern and reliable technologies. Also, don’t forget to make sure you’re using your website to get important information about user behavior. Integrate, for example, Google Analytics, Piwik, the Google Tag Manager or the Google Search Console to always have a clear view of certain data. Define conversion goals and make sure that these are also measured in order to know how your website is performing or whether you are achieving your goals.

Test the site extensively

When redesigning a website, allow enough time to thoroughly analyze and test the page. Make sure that your website looks and works exactly as you planned it and make a list of potential usability errors so that you can fix them early. Take some time and test your new website in every browser and on every available device. Since different devices interpret various things differently, you can identify and correct potential errors in advance.

Check performance

Fast websites are the be-all and end-all, especially at a time when a large number of websites are viewed on mobile devices. Make sure your website is performing well to give your visitors a great stay. Well-known tools for checking performance are, for example, Google’s Pagespeed, Yahoo! ‘s YSlow, GTMetrix, or Pingdom.

Publish the new website

A redesigned website is a great reason to spend some time networking. Draw attention to your new website via search engine advertising, social media, newsletters, emails, or blog entries.

Analyze the results

Find out if you have achieved the goals you set yourself. Of course, there will always be things that you can still improve – so make a list and keep analyzing what works and what doesn’t on your website. In this way, you can improve your website in the future and always guarantee a good visitor experience.