Expert reveals how to have an accident-free Christmas

From undercooked turkey to mistletoe poisoning, a first-aid expert has revealed her top tips for an accident-free Christmas.

Christmas is an exciting time where families join together to celebrate, yet, according to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), the festive season can be a particularly dangerous time of year.

More than 6,000 people are expected to end up in hospital on Christmas Day, with over 80,000 due to visit A&E over the festive season.

London-based nurse and first-aid trainer Emma Hammett says that with a few simple tweaks, families can avoid injuries from falling Christmas trees, broken glass baubles and too many glasses of Champagne.

She also recommends people have a good first-aid kit to hand and plan ahead on how to handle accidents should they occur.

Here, in a piece for The Hippocratic Post, Ms Hammett outlines, in detail, how to avoid the most common Christmas injuries and make the most of the festive season. 

More than 6,000 people are expected to end up in hospital on Christmas Day (stock)


Hot food, boiling water and sharp knives can make the kitchen particularly hazardous. 

Try to keep everyone other than the cook, especially pets and children, out of the kitchen. 

Refrain from drinking alcohol until the cooking is finished and wipe up any spills as soon as they happen so people do not slip.

Fairy lights

A staggering 350 people a year are injured by Christmas tree lights, including falls while they are being put up, children swallowing the bulbs, and electric shocks and burns.

RoSPA advises: ‘Test your lights and the wiring before you put them up, as they can deteriorate over the years. 

‘If you have old lights, buy new ones that meet higher safety standards; don’t overload sockets, as that’s a fire risk.’


Alcohol, tiredness and excited children make the stairs an accident hotspot during Christmas. 

If you have guests staying who may be unfamiliar with the layout of the house and could fall down the stairs whilst going to the toilet at night, leave a light on and keep stairs free clutter.

Test lights are working properly before putting them up and never leave flames unattended

Test lights are working properly before putting them up and never leave flames unattended


RoSPA revealed more than 1,000 people each year are hurt while decorating their homes with children biting into glass baubles and adults falling while using unstable chairs instead of ladders to put up streamers.

RoSPA said: ‘Glass decorations should be placed out of the reach of toddlers and pets. 

‘Novelty decorations, such as stuffed santas, reindeer and snowmen, which look like toys, may not comply with strict toy safety regulations. Therefore, they should not be within the reach of children.’


Over the Christmas period there is a huge increase in house fires. 

RoSPA said: ‘Never put candles on or near a Christmas tree; never leave an open flame unattended. 

‘Always place tea lights inside an appropriate container as they have been known to burn through baths and televisions.’

Christmas plants

While mistletoe might seem festive and romantic it is highly poisonous as the berries contain toxic proteins that slow the heart rate and can cause hallucinations. 

In addition, the orange berries of the Christmas Cherry can cause stomach pains, while the Christmas Rose can result in violent diarrhoea.

RoSPA said: ‘Check with the garden centre whether the plants you’re buying are toxic and, if they are, either don’t buy them or keep them out of the reach of children.’

Mistletoe is highly poisonous and can cause a slowed heart rate, as well as hallucinations

Mistletoe is highly poisonous and can cause a slowed heart rate, as well as hallucinations

Indigestion and food poisoning

Food poisoning is always a worry at Christmas. 

If you are cooking turkey make sure you read the instructions carefully and never risk taking short cuts as it takes hours to cook the bird properly.

Undercooked turkey can cause salmonella poisoning, which can be life-threatening, especially for those who are very young, old or frail.


One of the effects of alcohol that can make it dangerous is its ability to reduce one’s risk awareness. 

Ensure at the end of the day any residual alcohol is emptied out of glasses as children could drink the remains. Never drink and drive. 

This article was originally published by The Hippocratic Post and reproduced with their permission.