PIERS MORGAN: My heroes and villains of 2017

 It’s been one of the most extraordinary and tumultuous years in living memory.

From hurricanes and terror attacks to relentless political mayhem and a slew of sexual harassment scandals taking down many of America’s most famous men, we’ve barely had time to catch our breath.

But now it is finally time to pause and reflect on 2017, the year that changed so many things. And one that threw up as many good people as bad.

Here, then, are my Heroes and Villains.

At the top of this year’s list is Donald Trump – who is both a hero AND a villain

HERO AND VILLAIN: Donald Trump. I can already hear the gnashing of hysterical wailing around the globe at my deployment of the ‘H-word’ for the most divisive, polarising president in history. But to those who voted for him, Trump IS a hero who has begun to deliver big time on stuff like jobs, stock markets, tax cuts, ISIS-bashing and immigration. Love him or loathe him, this is a President who does what he said he’d do. On the negative side, he’s wasted far too much time in petty fights, done a lot of dumb things like trying to ban transgenders from the military, retweeting racist groups, backing nasty clowns like Roy Moore, and waging self-harming wars with the media, FBI and judges. But on a positive note, I see a guy growing into the job, and beginning to do what he is best qualified to do on the domestic and international stage – deals that benefit the American people.

VILLAIN: Hillary Clinton. Her latest approval rating has plummeted to a record low of 36%. To which my immediate response was: why is anyone still polling Hillary Clinton? The sad truth is that she’s become the world’s worst loser and with every new whine that emanates from her mouth, people like her less. For herself and her party, Hillary needs to take a step back from public life.

HERO: John McCain He’s been a warrior all his life, often at great personal sacrifice to his country. Now he’s fighting a battle against brain cancer that may yet defeat even this great man. McCain is my idea of a truly great American: tough as nails, combative and loyal, generous and kind. Ultimately, he’s the kind of guy you’d always want next to you in the trenches as his war colleagues discovered in Vietnam. What greater tribute can anyone be paid than that?

VILLAIN: Harvey Weinstein. He was the first big Hollywood name to go down in flames from the sexual harassment scandal, and symbolises the age-old sex-for-jobs casting couch mentality that still prevails in a town which so loves to preach morality to the world. Harvey abused his power to make and break dozens of actresses who dreamed of movie stardom. His downfall has triggered a long overdue correction in the chronic gender inequality that still pervades in almost every workplace.

In cinematic language that even Harvey may understand: women are as mad hell and they’re not going to take it any more.

HERO: Malala Yousafzai. A lot has been said about this remarkable young Pakistani woman who survived a Taliban assassination attempt to become a global advocate for girls’ education. This summer, she gained admission to Oxford University to study Philosophy, Politics and Economics. Feminism has been the target of much debate in 2017, but for me, nobody personifies the ideals of suffragette heroine Emmeline Pankhurst more than Malala, a woman prepared to risk her life and liberty to achieve equal rights for other women.

VILLAIN: Aung San Suu Kyi. Once feted as a Nobel Peace Prize winner, this appalling woman is now presiding over the genocidal slaughter of the Muslim minority Rohingya people in Burma. It’s hard to conjure up a more despicable fall from grace. She needs to be deposed fast in 2018 and made to pay for her murderous actions.

Lovely, smart Meghan Markle is a hero - and she's  living out every girl's dream of marrying a prince.

Aung San Suu Kyi, however, has had a fall from grace. Once feted as a Nobel Peace Prize winner, she's presiding over a genocidal slaughter

Lovely, smart Meghan Markle is a hero – and she’s  living out every girl’s dream of marrying a prince. Aung San Suu Kyi, however, has had a fall from grace. Once feted as a Nobel Peace Prize winner, she’s presiding over a genocidal slaughter

HERO: Meghan Markle. Every girl dreams of marrying her Prince, right? Well, Ms Markle is now living that dream for real. One minute she was drinking with me in my local London pub talking excitedly about her brilliant hit show Suits, the next she was shacked up down the road (literally – Kensington Palace is half a mile from my pub) with a man who may one day be my King. She’s a lovely lady; smart, warm, funny and more than a match for Prince Harry. Their engagement gave us all some much-needed cheer.

VILLAIN: Wayne LaPierre. The NRA chief aggressively backed Trump in the election campaign and has been rewarded with very vocal presidential support and White House visits. Meanwhile, America has endured some of the worst gun massacres in its history – notably the appalling mass shooting in Las Vegas where one lone nutcase opened fire from his hotel room on 20,000 people at an open-air concert with an armoury of 47 guns he had legally acquired. As always, nothing was done to change any gun laws to stop it happening again, and gun sales rocketed in Vegas in the aftermath as the NRA urged Americans to believe the only answer is more guns. Sickening.

HERO: Ariana Grande. The pint-sized pop superstar had just finished a concert in Manchester, England, when an ISIS terrorist blew up a bomb that killed 22 of her young fans and wounded 250 more. A few weeks later, she returned to Manchester to perform a tribute concert in their honour. The night before, there was another major terror attack in London that would have prompted most stars to cancel the show. But Ariana refused, put on a dazzling performance and raised millions for the victims. She’s one gutsy young lady.

VILLAIN: Meryl Streep. It’s been a terrible year for the self-styled Queen of Hollywood. Moralising Meryl’s repeated political grandstanding, particularly against Trump, has come back to bite her hard since the downfall of her great friend and mentor Weinstein. She insists she knew nothing about Harvey’s predatory side, but nobody believes her, which is why there are now posters all over LA with their photo and the words ‘SHE KNEW’ emblazoned across them. One thing Meryl most definitely DOES know is that Roman Polanski is a fugitive child rapist -yet she gave him a standing ovation and has never denounced him.

John McCain has been a warrior all his life now he’s fighting a battle against brain cancer. He’s the kind of guy you’d always want next to you

Meanwhile Meryl Streep's repeated political grandstanding has come back to bite her  since the downfall of  friend, mentor (and my villain) Harvey Weinstein

John McCain has been a warrior all his life now he’s fighting a battle against brain cancer. He’s the kind of guy you’d always want next to you. Meanwhile Meryl Streep’s repeated political grandstanding has come back to bite her since the downfall of friend, mentor (and my villain) Harvey Weinstein

She insists she knew nothing about Harvey's sins. But she most definitely DOES know that Roman Polanski is a fugitive child rapist -yet she gave him a standing ovation

She insists she knew nothing about Harvey’s sins. But she most definitely DOES know that Roman Polanski is a fugitive child rapist -yet she gave him a standing ovation

HERO: Jeff Bezos. A bold, brilliant visionary that’s turned Amazon into a phenomenal powerhouse delivery service which helps and enriches all our lives. But that’s not even why he’s one of my heroes. No, the reason I love Bezos is that unlike so many other tech geniuses, he shares my love of newspapers. So much so that he bought the Washington Post and has poured money into it to revive the paper of Watergate fame into a world media force again. A free press is the cornerstone of any democracy and it’s great to see a maverick new media man so committed to that notion.

VILLAIN: Brian Cullinan. He was the ‘you had ONE job’ imbecile accountant who handed Warren Beatty the wrong envelope at the Oscars, leading to La La Land being incorrectly named Best Picture when it was Moonlight. Cullinan, it emerged, had been distracted as he posted social media photos of himself backstage with actors. It’s safe to say he won’t be getting a selfie with Beatty, a true legend cruelly humiliated on the world’s biggest stage.

HERO: Taylor Swift. A very gifted singer songwriter who’s had another phenomenal year, but who is also a beacon of non-political inclusiveness in an industry that’s lost its mind amid frenzied anti-Trump rhetoric. Taylor understands that her audience votes in many different ways, so why make some of them feel alienated from a singer whose music they like? I wish more entertainers took her lead rather than sneer at her for it.

Hero Taylor Swift, who should be lauded for not speaking out about politics

Meanwhile JK Rowling sneered at Trump for being sexist then stayed silent about liberal heroes

Another set? Hero Taylor Swift, who should be lauded for not speaking out about politics. Meanwhile JK Rowling sneered at Trump for being sexist then stayed silent about liberal heroes

VILLAIN: JK Rowling. It’s been a tough year for all virtue-signalling liberal darlings like Ms Rowling, who spent the first half of it screaming abuse at Trump for being a sexist, misogynist pig – then spent the second half saying very little as liberal heroes like Weinstein, Kevin Spacey and Al Franken toppled at the altar of sleaze. That’s the problem with taking the self-righteous high moral ground: it’s usually built on sinking sand…

HERO: Colin Kaepernick. Aside from Trump, nobody has taken more flak in 2017 than this guy, whose simple kneel protest against racial injustice in America sparked an ongoing national debate of furious dimensions. Throughout it all, Kaepernick has kept his cool and his counsel and let his actions speak a million times louder than any words could possibly do. In doing so, he’s thrown a massive spotlight on the very real unfairness that still exists for so many black Americans in modern society.

VILLAIN: Emily Ratajkowski. As the feminist struggle continues with genuine inequality in everything from women’s pay to education, this absurd creature, like her friend Kim Kardashian, pops up every month or so with semi-naked photos claiming she’s only doing it to empower feminists. No, my dim-witted darling, it just empowers your bank balance and makes a mockery of real feminism.

HERO: George Clooney. While so many stars in Hollywood have been exposed as vile, cheating, abusing, hypocritical charlatans, Clooney has stood out from the fray as a bastion of decency. He’s a great actor, conscientious campaigner, loving husband and father. And as it recently emerged, the very best of friends. Four years ago, he invited his 14 closest mates, including Cindy Crawford’s husband Rande Gerber, to his LA home for dinner, then gave them each a case with $1 million cash inside it. Tax paid. ‘I wouldn’t where I am today without all of you,’ he said. ‘This is my way of saying thank you.’ Clooney’s a class act.

Kim Jong Un is vile and let’s just hope he doesn’t accidentally trigger World War 3

And last there is Melania. She's been an almost faultless First Lady

Kim Jong Un is vile and let’s just hope he doesn’t accidentally trigger World War 3. And last there is Melania. She’s been an almost faultless First Lady

VILLAIN: Kim Jong Un. A vile, repressive, dangerously deluded tinpot dictator now in possession of nuclear weapons. As such, he represents a clear and present threat to the world’s security. Let’s just hope he doesn’t accidentally trigger World War 3 with one of his reckless missile tests.

HEROINE: Melania Trump. Imagine for a moment just how hard it must have been to be Melania this year? Her husband is the most powerful, talked-about and reviled man on the planet. Her every word, move, dress, even choice of footwear has thus been debated and often derided. Yet she’s been an almost faultless First Lady, and smiled her way through all the mayhem with a grace and stoicism that has led to soaring personal approval numbers.


Read more at DailyMail.co.uk