President Trump told friends tax bill makes them richer

President Donald Trump was in a jolly mood at dinner on Friday night, with CBS News reporting that the Commander-in-Chief spent part of his evening extolling the benefits of the new tax bill to friends at Mar-a-Lago.

‘You all just got a lot richer,’ President Trump told a group of diners at a nearby table according to two people at the Palm Beach club that night. 

It is unclear if the diners were members or guests at the club, which charges a $200,000 initiation fee and charges $14,000 in annual dues.

President Trump made that statement despite his repeated insistence that the bill benefits middle class Americans. 

Back in September he said: ‘The rich will not be gaining at all with this plan. We are looking for the middle class and we are looking for jobs — jobs being the economy.’

Amd ear;lier that day President Trump had told reporters: ‘I consider this very much a bill for the middle class and a bill for jobs.’

The passage of the bill is President Trump’s biggest accomplishment as he wrps up his first year in the Oval Office.