Entrepreneur shares the secrets to setting goals in 2018

As 2018 gets underway, motivated people around the world are busy setting resolutions, goals and strategies for the year ahead. 

And to help these people both set and achieve these big goals, Australian business coach and May Collective founder, Erin Henry, 27, has shared her five step process for the new year. 

Ms Henry, who made $100,000 in just 10 months in 2017, spends the majority of her time educating herself on strategies and manifestation and regularly shares advice for entrepreneurs and business success on your YouTube channel. 

Now with a goal of making $500,000 in 2018, she has broken down the process of making goals a reality and stressed the importance of setting just one substantial goal for each area of life.    

To help you both set and achieve your big goals, Australian business coach and May Collective founder, Erin Henry, 27, has shared her five step process for the new year

Ms Henry, who made $100,000 in just 10 months in 2017, spends the majority of her time educating herself on strategies and manifestation and regularly shares advice online 

Ms Henry, who made $100,000 in just 10 months in 2017, spends the majority of her time educating herself on strategies and manifestation and regularly shares advice online 


The first step is simply setting goals in the right mind frame. 

‘So many of us are setting our goals in such a heavily influenced state that when it comes time to actually achieve those goals or put together an action plan we feel so much resistance because it wasn’t our innate desires we were setting the goals from,’ Ms Henry explained.  

‘It was from things we were influenced by, usually on social media or other types of media. You can’t just be scrolling through Instagram, watching YouTube videos, reading magazines, seeing all of these people partying in the south of France on a yacht drinking Chandon. 

The first step is simply setting goals in the right mind frame, Ms Henry explained 

The first step is simply setting goals in the right mind frame, Ms Henry explained 

‘All of a sudden that’s what you are trying to achieve with your goals too. If that’s not what you really want you are going to find it so hard to put together a plan.’

Ms Henry recommends putting yourself in an ‘unbiased state’.

‘Connect with your own intuition and discover all of those things you want deep inside so you can set your goals with more intention and more clarity,’ she said. 

‘Do it first thing in the morning or after you have done some form of meditation.’

'Connect with your own intuition and discover all of those things you want deep inside so you can set your goals with more intention and more clarity,' she said

‘Connect with your own intuition and discover all of those things you want deep inside so you can set your goals with more intention and more clarity,’ she said


Ms Henry said in the past, she has been guilty of setting way too many goals for herself – something that has held her back. 

‘The more laser focused you can be on specific areas of your life and specific things in those areas the better chance you will have at achieving the goals,’ she said. 

‘When you dabble in too many things you just end up mastering nothing. 

‘My suggestion is to pick one goal for 2018 in each of the life areas being career and finance, relationships, health and wellness, self-development and experiences.’

'The more laser focused you can be on specific areas of your life and specific things in those areas the better chance you will have at achieving the goals,' she said

‘The more laser focused you can be on specific areas of your life and specific things in those areas the better chance you will have at achieving the goals,’ she said


One of the most important steps is ‘knowing exactly why it is you want to achieve a goal’.

‘Knowing why is going to be like the fuel, the petrol, the motivation that is going to get you through and achieve those goals,’ Ms Henry said. 

‘Take it a step further so when you are thinking about why you want to achieve a goal, attach the emotional experience with that also.

‘So if it is that you want to start a business because you want more money or freedom, try to take it a step further and think about what emotions having more freedom and money will bring to you. Joy? Security? Thrills?’

One of the most important steps is 'knowing exactly why it is you want to achieve a goal'

One of the most important steps is ‘knowing exactly why it is you want to achieve a goal’

How to be successful in 2018  

1. Focus: Dabbling is not going to get you anywhere, you need to figure out what you want and tunnel vision your way to get it. Choose one mission that you can focus all of your attention on. 

2. Get organised: We have all these big passions and dreams but if you are not allocating time to achieve them you cannot expect to move forward. 

3. Get help: Last year I spent almost $20,000 on coaches – don’t do it alone and flounder around in the sea of conflicting information online.

4. Learn more: I don’t know a single successful person who hasn’t committed their life to being a student for life and learning.

5. Show up: You just simply need to show up and make it happen.  


‘This year I want you to write your goals down and stick them somewhere you can see them but also to create a goals board,’ Ms Henry said. 

‘I know most of us have vision boards and I’m all about having visual representations but additionally create a goals board so you have visual cues every day for what it is you are trying to achieve. 

‘We as humans have a part of our brain called the reticular activating system and what it is in charge of is deleting most of the stimuli that isn’t necessary for us to take notice of. 

‘By creating a goals board and looking at it, what you are doing is activating your RAS so it starts noticing things that are going to help you achieve those goals – whether it it is new books or new opportunities or videos.’ 

'This year I want you to write your goals down and stick them somewhere you can see them but also to create a goals board,' Ms Henry said

‘This year I want you to write your goals down and stick them somewhere you can see them but also to create a goals board,’ Ms Henry said


This is the most important step. 

‘There is no point setting these goals if you are not taking the necessary, consistent action to be able to achieve them,’ Ms Henry said. 

‘Make a plan for exactly how you are going to achieve these goals. 

‘Maybe one of your goals is financial. I have a financial goal of making $500,000 with my business next year. So what I would do is sit down and figure out how many things I need to sell, how much I need to sell monthly and weekly, what do I need to be selling etc. 

‘If you had a health goal think about your plan – will you go to the gym, do yoga, get a trainer, count calories? 

‘You should feel good about this plan because you have set these goals in the right state and they actually mean something to you.’

'There is no point setting these goals if you are not taking the necessary, consistent action to be able to achieve them,' Ms Henry said

‘There is no point setting these goals if you are not taking the necessary, consistent action to be able to achieve them,’ Ms Henry said

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk