Mick Carter shot in EastEnders by JIM SHELLEY

It transpired Aidan was not a criminal mastermind after all when his long-awaited heist went pear-shaped in EastEnders.

The gang finished empty-handed and Mick Carter appeared to have been shot in a botched robbery witnessed by his missus ‘L’, his mother Shirley, and Masood’s Uncle Arshad and Auntie Mariam who had just arrived in Albert Square and were taking a stroll around. Welcome to Walford !

They were lucky Mick and the others couldn’t shoot back because the guns Aidan had supplied them with were made of, um, wood. (Hey it could happen – in EastEnders anyway.)

Busted: Aidan Maguire's long-awaited heist fell to pieces in Eastenders, with Mick Carter shot after the soap's version of Oceans Eleven was a disaster

Busted: Aidan Maguire’s long-awaited heist fell to pieces in Eastenders, with Mick Carter shot after the soap’s version of Oceans Eleven was a disaster

They couldn’t wear the disguises he had provided them with either, complaining that the masks of Donald Trump, Jeremy Corbyn, Barack Obama, and Theresa May smelt of fish.

We never did find out why.

Or why Aidan’s plan involved a series of complicated, risky, measures aimed at diverting the van into Walford, all the way to The Arches – rather than remove the mystery goods they were after in a location they weren’t so associated with. (The back street where Mick and Keanu stopped it posing as emergency gas engineers for example.)

Hilarious: The crew donned rubber masks to disguise themselves during the robbery, complaining the looks smelt like fish 

Hilarious: The crew donned rubber masks to disguise themselves during the robbery, complaining the looks smelt like fish 

Farce: The team's anticipated robbery fell to pieces, with Aidan swatting away concerns with 'It'll be fine'

Farce: The team’s anticipated robbery fell to pieces, with Aidan swatting away concerns with ‘It’ll be fine’

Even a blagger as experienced as Phil moaned ‘I don’t understand why we’re leading the van here.’

‘It’ll be fine trust me!’ was the best Aidan could come up with. ‘Any other questions?’

‘Yes !’ viewers cried. ‘WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU USING THIS LOT FOR?’

Aidan would have been better off picking his team at random from a list of the other residents rather than the gang he had assembled. A crew consisting of Robbie, Sonia, Dot, Denny, and Lady Di would have been more likely to succeed.

Doubts: Phil seemed first to express his doubts over whether the plan would succeed, or as viewers were saying, what was this all for?

Doubts: Phil seemed first to express his doubts over whether the plan would succeed, or as viewers were saying, what was this all for?

Blagger: Aidan provided his team with wooden guns for the heist, hinting he may not be all he seemed

Blagger: Aidan provided his team with wooden guns for the heist, hinting he may not be all he seemed

Know-it-all: Aidan was once again pulling the strings during the robbery, making them drive the van all the way to the Arches

Know-it-all: Aidan was once again pulling the strings during the robbery, making them drive the van all the way to the Arches

Phil was an alcoholic with a liver condition, Vincent was a police informant and Billy Mitchell was, well, Billy Mitchell.

As for Keanu Taylor he was so thick he couldn’t even work a scratch card (recently mistaking 10 pounds for a thousand). You knew you were struggling when Bernadette said you were ‘thick.’

Phil was an old lag but otherwise none of the gang were even criminals. Mick’s only conviction was for serving alcohol after hours – not exactly the Krays twins.

‘I don’t trust Phil or Aidan,’ Vincent told Mick. ‘Never have. Not from Day One.’

Acting up: Mick joined Keanu to pose as gas engineer's in an attempt to get a hold of the van

Acting up: Mick joined Keanu to pose as gas engineer’s in an attempt to get a hold of the van

Comedic: The pair rocked the high-vis look for the heist as they attempted to commandeer the van

Comedic: The pair rocked the high-vis look for the heist as they attempted to commandeer the van

You could hardly blame him but it made you wonder exactly why he was doing it. Unlike Mick, Keanu, and Billy it wasn’t for the money.

Aidan had recruited Billy as casually as if he was inviting him to a party, simply giving him a gun.

It was no wonder half the Square knew what they were up to, partly because Aidan insisted on holding the gang’s meetings either at Mick’s pub or Vincent’s bar rather than somewhere more discrete (like outside Walford).

Even Bernadette had found out about the raid and she barely knew what day it was.

She overheard the whole plan while she was working at The Albert.

Rumbled: It seemed the whole square knew what the team were up to, with Bernadette even busting the group

Rumbled: It seemed the whole square knew what the team were up to, with Bernadette even busting the group

Stay away: Aidan and Vincent warned the Taylor to stay well away from the plan, which she overheard while working at The Albert

Stay away: Aidan and Vincent warned the Taylor to stay well away from the plan, which she overheard while working at The Albert

‘I thought you’d get a cleaner in !’ Aidan chided Vincent, who inexplicably didn’t reply that he had – and that she was cleaning the toilets at the time.

Neither Mick nor Vincent managed to think of a story to explain why they kept disappearing or having surreptitious conversations with Aidan.

Kim became suspicious after Vincent ineptly got a plastic tie stuck round his wrist when he was practising tying up the van driver.

'Pathetic': Vincents doubts seemed weighted as he said 'we fell at the first hurdle' 

‘Pathetic’: Vincents doubts seemed weighted as he said ‘we fell at the first hurdle’ 

Sharon had seemingly given Phil her blessing despite months of nagging him to go straight, presumably hoping that Phil would get caught so that she and Denny would finally get their hands on his money.

For his part Phil seemed happy to risk prison – to get away from Sharon.

Linda found the ‘shooter’ Mick had ingeniously hidden in the wardrobe pretending it was her Christmas present. Shirley’s suspicions meanwhile were confirmed when Mick left his mobile in the kitchen.

She promptly took preventative action (for his own safety) by locking him in the cellar.

‘We fell at the first hurdle. This is pathetic !’ Vincent wailed, correctly.

Hot pursuit: As Mick and Keanu attempted to get away, they sprinted through Walford after the attempted robbery

Hot pursuit: As Mick and Keanu attempted to get away, they sprinted through Walford after the attempted robbery

Eventually Mick made it – albeit still wearing his Christmas bulldog slippers – while Keanu was so nervous that his trainers were wet, which perhaps explained his driving and the way he drew attention to himself, careering round the Square knocking things flying.

Aidan’s hare-brained scheme seemed almost ingenious when, despite all this, amazingly they diverted the van to The Arches and then frightened the driver into handing over the goods by waving their wooden guns at him and shouting (so loudly Uncle Arshad and Auntie Mariam looked over).

Luckily for the gang, the Walford police were elsewhere, busy searching for Tanya Branning who had disappeared having seen her daughters fall from the roof of the Queen Vic but mysteriously failed to visit Abi or Lauren in hospital.

Sleuths: Mick's wife Linda and mum Shirley were hot on the gang's trail as they tried to find out what they were doing

Sleuths: Mick’s wife Linda and mum Shirley were hot on the gang’s trail as they tried to find out what they were doing

Hold-up: As Mick and Keanu donned ski masks for the robbery, by now the entire heist had fallen to pieces

Hold-up: As Mick and Keanu donned ski masks for the robbery, by now the entire heist had fallen to pieces

Aidan and co. hadn’t banked on Linda and Shirley though. Walford’s answer to Cagney & Lacey turned up at the Arches having tracked Mick’s movements via his mobile or were watching as he was seemingly shot.

‘It’s you !’ Mick said, appearing to recognise the young man who opened the back doors of the van and fired.

We didn’t know who he was but Mick clearly hadn’t been expecting to see him.

Mind you, by now, where this robbery was concerned nothing should have surprised him anymore.

New face! Mick recognised a young man in the back of the van before he pulled the trigger

New face! Mick recognised a young man in the back of the van before he pulled the trigger

Is Mick dead? Fans were left on tenterhooks as to whether Mick Carter had been killed, with wife Linda left screaming at the gunshot as the credits rolled

Is Mick dead? Fans were left on tenterhooks as to whether Mick Carter had been killed, with wife Linda left screaming at the gunshot as the credits rolled

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